A curious thing

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The moon glimmers faintly between the mists as I walk through the Kingdom of Estrela, disguised in an all-black cloak. I don't need another scolding from my father, King of Estrela, for venturing out in the city past midnight and speaking to my human friends.

   Although I am on my way back to Lua Palace, I will certainly lose my mind if my father catches wind of this. He will haunt me for the rest of my immortality. Well... maybe I am being a bit dramatic, but he doesn't need to know that I aspire to explore the magical objects hidden in the Lua archives.

As I arrive home, I sneak my way past the Lua Palace guard and up towards my chambers. I'm halfway up the whirlwind of a spiral staircase, when I feel a powerful tug coming from below.

I try to continue my way up the stairs, when I feel it again. Sweet but ancient. As if it wants me to go investigate its deepest secrets. I turn towards the darkness of the level beneath me, heart yearning for whatever lies below.

I have nothing else to lose, right?

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