Class is over

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It is Friday afternoon at Riverside High. The classroom is roaring with energy from the students exited to go home for the summer break, including me I cannot wait! I have never enjoyed school it is just so boring and full of tedious lessons that we will never need in the future. I mean what is the point? I sat and watched the clock hands move like a snail across the clock face. Everything seems much slower when I'm in maths class. I  hate maths, no matter how hard I try I just cannot understand it.

Finally the bell rings, the students leap out of their seats and race to the door trying to all squeeze out at the same time before the teacher could even finish his sentence. I gathered my books and pencil case stuffing them into my bag not taking any notice that I was some how the last to leave. I hurried to my locker to find my best friend Alice slumped against it grumpily. Hey I muttered. She stood up straight and exclaimed you took your time. I should be home right now watching my show. I chucked on my coat from out of my locker and we begun to walk home, it wasn't a very far walk to our houses and we was next door neighbour so we would always walk together and gossip on the way about the schools bad ass storm. Storm was your typical school rebel tattoos ,piercings ,smoked, wore what he wanted and rode a motorcycle.

We eventually got home. Me and Alice did out usual when we got to the paths leading to our houses. we hugged and waved goodbye as we both rushed inside. The summer break had started. Time to relax! Once I got inside I practically flew up the stairs into my room, i kicked off my shoes and flung my bag onto the floor and flopped onto my bed and let out a sigh of relief. But the feeling of relaxation didn't last very long .I started to question why the house was so silent. My house is never silent and I mean never. I slid of my bed and headed down stairs into the living room were I would usually find my parents on the sofa watching tv, but to my surprise they wasn't their. Strangely enough the tv was still on though. I thought to my self that this was quite strange but quickly snapped out of the thought and switched the tv off, they must of just forgotten to turn it off. I left the living room and stumbled up the stairs and knocked on my mothers door. Strangely no reply so I pulled open the door carefully, but again none was their. As I shut the door my phone pinged, I let out a shriek as i practically jumped out of my skin. I finally came back to my senses and reached into my trouser pocket and pulled out my phone and tapped in the password to see a message from Alice. It reads come hear quickly, that was all it said. Strange I thought to my self what could be the matter. I quickly typed in a quick reply to say I was coming and pressed send. I  slipped my shoes back on and ran out the house forgetting to lock the door. 

I walked straight into Alices house. We had known each for so long and our parents are best friends. As I  shut the door, shouted hello to Alices mother Jenny but strangely their was no reply, this wasn't at all like Jenny. Jenny was a bright bubbly woman who always greeted me with a hug when I came round. Suddenly I was grappled into a tight hug by Allice who seemed to be crying. What's up I asked confused. Once she had finished sobbing into my arms she filled me in on how she couldn't find her parents either. It took a while to calm her down but once I had done so I came up with a idea, the idea was to meet up with everyone at the old playground we used to hang out at as kids. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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