
581 17 28

word count: 1016 words
[ fair warning, i was momentarily possessed
n i wrote bkg as a sadistic ass and he uses the term 'good girl', approach with caution ]

word count: 1016 words [ fair warning, i was momentarily possessedn i wrote bkg as a sadistic ass and he uses the term 'good girl', approach with caution ]

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"SO HOW'D IT GO?" YUA ASKED AS YOU ENTERED THE BOARDROOM, you sighed and put your backpack down next to the chair you sat on and looked up at your friend who was looking at you expectantly

you smiled and nodded at her, taking out a notebook and pen before you replied; "it was really, really good yua, he cooked for me and lit candles and stuff" you told her, blushing slightly as you recalled the previous evening's events

she looked at you with an unreadable expression as she cooed and fawned at the thought of your first official date with katsuki, then, all of a sudden she gasped and moved closer to you, taking both your hands in hers and looking at you with a shocked expression; "what's going to happen with dabi then?" she asked, leaving you somewhat speechless

you hadn't actually thought of what would happen with the older male, and now that yua mentioned it, it certainly was something that was going to be front and centre on your mind. just as you were about to reply, students from the student council started filling the room, quietly you told yua that you would continue talking about it later and with that, you stood up and cleared your throat, making everyone look at you. then, with a soft sigh, you hand begun your meeting.

━━ ★

"you're late, sweetness" katsuki said as you entered the twins hospital room, sighing as you dropped your bag down and leaned against the wall by the door

you looked at the blonde who was looking at you with a somewhat ominous grin as he made his way over to you, you looked around the room and noticed the twins weren't there, then you looked back at katsuki who was now standing next to you; "where are sana and momo?" you aske, and the blonde hummed

"they're with their nurse, getting their check up, why are you late?" he asked, dragging you to the middle of the room where he plopped down at the round table, pulling you down with him

"i had a student council meeting, something about school and the events for senior year" you said looking at him as you recalled the topics that were brought up

he hummed and leaned back on the palms of his hand, looking up at the white ceiling and then back at you, his grin growing impossibly wider; "look at you, bein' a cute little nerd n'shit" he said, grinning at you as your cheeks reddened

you scoffed and kicked his shin under the table, making him hiss as you picked at the raw skin around your fingers; "just 'cause you were a delinquent in high school doesn't mean i gotta be" you replied, sticking your tongue out at him, at this he leaned forward and grabbed your tongue, tugging slightly as your cheeks grew a deeper shade of red.

a muffled 'let go' left your lips as he gave a sadistic smirk

"you gonna stick your tongue out at me again, baby?" he asked, you immediately shook your head no, and then he let go

you pouted and glared at the blonde, who stared back at you with the same sadistic smirk he had this whole time; "never do that again" you simply told the blonde

"be a good little girl for me and maybe i wont" he said, smirk growing impossibly wider as he stood up to greet the twins you had just conveniently walked in

━━━ ★

"you wanted to meet me" you said, approaching dabi as he re-lit his burnt out cigarette

he hummed and looked at you, taking his own sweet time as he took a long puff of it and exhaling slowly, he looked away from you and down at the cigarette in his hand; "d'you still wanna try it?" he asked, holding it out to you

and sure, it was tempting but you knew well enough you would be murdered by both your mother and katsuki if you ever came home smelling like marlboro, so instead, you shook your head no and replied; "no, katsuki said it would fuck me up, thank you though, for offering" you said, making him scoff and kill his cigarette

"fuck does katsuki know?" he asked and looked back at you with a weird expression on his face, as if he had just remembered to tell you something 

"oh, speaking of your little boy toy" he said, smirking ominously and he walked closer to you

it was unsettling to say the least, you didn't like the way he looked at you, or the way he walked towards you

"you remember when we first met and i told you i got somethin' to tell you about katsuki," he started, making you nod, the unsettling feeling that made itself known in your stomach only grew the more dabi spoke

"yeah so, you see, your little boy toy, isn't who he says he is, and as we speak, your boyfriend is currently getting arrested for all the shit he's caught on" dabi spoke, and a gasp had left your mouth

and just as he had said that, your phone had began ringing in your back pocket, when you took it out and looked at you screen, you noticed an unsaved number, and you recognized it as the police station's number

━━━ ★


if you're looking for something to blame for the fuckery that went on in this chapter, blame the voices, also this chapter is the way it is because in the next 5 or so chapters I will be bringing this book to an end

and in case the timeline of this book is confusing, have this

i wrote it purely for me to understand the timeline but i thought i'd share it incase anyone else got confused

with all that being said, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please vote n comment

shrooms :)

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