Lollipop x Reader

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Thank you all so much for all the positive comments! You all motivate me to write and improve more and more >:) i hope you'll like this os as well


-O/N kind of acts like Four (mysterious/sadistic personality) I tried to make it so they're not a literal carbon copy though :P
-Friends to implied lovers :33
-Gender neutral reader (they/them)
-This chapter is PACKED with references to other object shows, have fun finding 'em :)


"Two tickets for the ferris wheel please!"

"A ferris wheel...? Lollipop. We came all the way to this theme park for some stupid ferris wheel?"

"The other roller coasters make me nauseous. Sorry O/N."

Lollipop handed some coins to the object sitting in the booth -a purple lightbulb shaped like a moon crescent- who handed her two little colored pieces of papers : their tickets.

"Come on, Let's go."

The two had to wait a bit before getting a cab of their own. They stepped in together, awkwardly taking their seats. Then, the wheel started to spin slowly again, making them rise.

"Hey look, we can see the Goiky canal from here!"

"We barely went up, how in [something related to your object] can we see it already?"

"See for yourself."

O/N bent to the side of the cab a bit to try and see the body of water Lollipop mentioned. Their eyes scanned the landscape and they could see it nowhere.

"You're messing with me."

She answered with a small laugh. They were practically at the top of the wheel, when it brutally stopped.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

Lollipop peered down. People in other cabs were starting to do the same, all curious about the sudden stop.
O/N could make out the shapes of a few objects : A red handfan with a weird green tube in a cab, A charger block and a crown in another...

"What's taking them so long to fix it?!"

"Geez, chill! It's been twenty-seven point sixty three seconds."

Lollipop tried being patient, a task clearly impossible for the other object, who was fidgeting with the handle of the cab's door and occasionally shooting glances below.

The objects who were in the line were also getting impatient. It was difficult to see for sure with the height, but O/N could make out a tree holding a bottle's hand, a really big polaroid camera and a... half sliced lime?

Lollipop's patience barely lasted a few minutes.

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous. This happens basically every time i go on this specific ferris wheel. Maybe it's time they fix it or something."


O/N half listened to what she said, still looking below at the other objects in line. They turned their eyes back to Lollipop for a quick glance, but she was already looking at them and immediately adverted her gaze. An akward silence ensued.

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