The dragon <3

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Prompt: "Write about a character who finds an odd-looking egg in the forest. When they take it home, they never could have predicted what was inside it."

As I was walking through the cold, misty forest my eyes catch a glimpse of what appears to be an egg of some sort. As I move closer to the egg, it appears to get bigger. By the time I had reached it, it had become the size of my head. I attempted to lift it but it was too heavy so I tried again. This time I was successful. I decided to take it home and see if it would hatch so I turned around and headed back the way I came. The closer I got to my house, the heavier the egg seemed to get. By the time I was at my house I could barely hold it. I opened the door and walked in. I set the egg on my couch and decided to go collect some blankets and pillows. When I returned to the room the egg was broken with half of the shell on the floor. I could hear small yet heavy footsteps but I couldn't quite figure out where they were coming from. I turned around and I immediately dropped everything I was holding. In front of me stood a small, red dragon. I jumped back and tried to defend myself with whatever I had near me. Although I had seemed to scare the dragon, it seemed to be at ease. It slowly moved closer to me and eventually was close enough for me to touch so I leaned down and attempted to pet it on the head. To my dismay, it did not move and let me pet it without being harmed. I slowly lowered myself to the floor and sat on my knees. The dragon then jumped and sat on my lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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