Chapter 3

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THE PAST FEW days with Jake have been magical

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THE PAST FEW days with Jake have been magical. You've been spending a lot of time together, taking walks on the beach, having small talk here and there. But you would also spend some time with the kids. You loved hanging out with them, but you would randomly feel this wave of guilt and agony when being with the children. It felt like you were replacing their mother, but you never had the intention to do that.

You just loved kids, you always wanted to be a mother. But it seems that Eywa chose a different path for you. That's what you've always assumed. You felt a deep connection with the kids already. The children felt a strong connection to you as well, especially Tuk, she's always a sweetheart to you. She can never stay away from you, wherever you go, she goes. Neteyam is sweet and very polite towards you, he's always willing to help you with anything whenever he can, he always comes to you for advice, seeking comfort. Kiri is an absolute angel, she loves to lend a hand whenever your cooking for them, she also likes to start conversations with you about anything and she's very open-minded.

As for Loak, he's so kind and gentle. He rants about Tsireya to you all the time. One time he asked you for advice on how to ask her out on a date, it was the cutest thing you've ever seen. Loak is a very energetic person, he likes to have small talk with you here and there. He always comes to you for comfort after getting in trouble with Jake. The children already see you as their kind and loving mother.

It was a sunny afternoon in the Awa'atlu village, Kiri decided to take a swim and explore the waters. She ended up taking a walk and was now laying down on her stomach on the sand, with her head submerged in the water. She was in her own little world looking at the water ripples.

Unknown to Kiri, Aonung and a couple of his friends were walking when they spotted her laying down. "What is she doing?" One of Aonung's friends asked with a chuckle. "She's just looking at the sand." Aonung replied laughing as he made his way towards her, with his minions following behind.

Kiri finally decided to stand upright, hearing their voices. She blinked a few times and removed her hair out of her face. "Huh? What did you say?" She asked, genuinely confused about what they were laughing at. "Are you some sort of...freak?" Aonung asked as his friends laughed from behind.

"He asked if you were a freak." One of Aonung's friends said to Kiri, after noticing her silence. Kiri now realized what they were doing, "No." She replied with a sigh and started to walk away from them. She wanted no part in this.

As she started to walk off the group of boys continued to follow her, not wanting to give up, especially Aonung. "Are you sure? You're not even a real Na'vi." He remarked mockingly as he grabbed her hands. "I mean look at these hands, look at them." He said trying to embarrass her in front of the boys. Kiri has an annoyed look on her face.

She was about to reply, when all of a sudden they heard a familiar voice from behind them. "Hey! Back off fish lips!" Kiri looked to the direction from where the voice was coming from, she felt a wave of relief when she saw that it was Loak. Grateful for his approach.

"Oh look! It's another four-fingered freak!" Aonung exclaimed as he laughed. One of Aonung's friends came from behind Loak and pulled his tail. "Look at his baby tail, haha!" He said as he cackled. The boys continued to make fun of Loak and Kiri. Not noticing Neteyam saw everything, he came around from the corner. He just couldn't see his siblings getting made fun of like that. When he approached them he pushed Aonung away from Loak.

"You heard what she said, leave them alone." He said in a harsh tone, with a glare. After a few seconds Aonung backed up from the Sully's, raising his hands in surrender.

Eventually the scene broke out into fight. Tonowari and Jake saw what happened and punished the Metkayina boys for their behavior. You were in Jake's mauri braiding Tuktirey's hair, when you saw Loak and Neteyam entering along with Jake. Your eyes went wide once you saw their bruises.

  Before Jake was about to scold them you placed your hand on his shoulder to calm him down. His breath hitched at the skin on skin contact. Your hand felt warm on his skin. "Jake, mawey, Loak and Neteyam were just defending their sister. I'll handle this." You said softly as you looked up at him with reassurance. He sighed and nodded his head at you.

  You turned to Loak and Neteyam, checking their bruises. For the rest of the evening, you spent it with the Sully's, chit chatting and making dinner for the family.

You were walking back to your hut when you were stopped by Jake. You turned around to face him. "Lei'wa I uh wanted to thank you for what you did earlier. I just really care about my kids and I want them to be careful. I just want what's best for them." He said with a guilty look in his eyes. Your eyes softened at what he said.

"Oh, of course Jake. I'll always be there for the kids. And I want you to know that you're an amazing father. Instead of scolding Neteyam and Loak, listen to their side of the story first. They really look up to you Jake, they want to be just like you. Especially Loak." You replied back with admiration and recognition. His eyes softened at your response.

He pulled you in for a hug. Your eyes widened at the contact, but you slowly gave in and nuzzled into his embrace. The both of you pulled away, your cheeks turned into a shade of pink.

You kicked your feet and turled your hair once you got to your mauri. What a day...

Mawey - Calm/ Be calm

Chapter 3 is officially completed!!!! :))

I also want to give thanks and credit to @softchxton, she inspired me to write this book. If you haven't please check out her book called 'Your Existence' it's absolutely incredible, I love it so much it's such a masterpiece!!!! :)))

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