Chapter 20

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"Are you okay?" Jimin asked when Seokjin opened the door.

Seokjin nodded but he knows Jimin did not believe him. He laid down hiding his face from Jimin.

"You were crying." Jimin said.

"It's just unfair." Seokjin said with a hiccup.

"What is?" Jimin asked, as if he does not know what the younger was referring to.

Seokjin sat on the bed. "You know what I'm talking about! He is unfair! He wanted me to only kiss him but he can kiss anyone. He told me I should only kiss the person I like and that's why I kissed him! But when he kissed that girl, does that mean he likes her?! What if I find someone else that I like? Can I kiss that person even though he told me I can only kiss him? Hyung, he's so unreasonable!"

Jimin's face softened as he looked at Seokjin. He is innocent and pure because Jungkook never wanted anyone to make him see or know things that he should not. That includes him having someone special. He only knew about Jungkook and Jimin knows the reason why Seokjin opted to study far from his usual place. He wanted to go very far from Jungkook and learn how to fall in love with other people. However, he also understands why Jungkook wanted to stay with him at all times.

Jimin shook his head.

"Look. I think you and Jungkook should talk. Tell him that if he doesn't like you, then he can just leave you to me and Namjoon. We can very well take care of you. It would also help you find someone that is not Jungkook."

Seokjin looked at him with mixed emotions.

"W-will h-he really l-leave if I t-tell him that?" He asked Jimin.

"Maybe." Jimin shrugged. "If he leaves, then it means he's just here to really guard you. If he doesn't leave it means you are important to him."

"You're not making sense, Jiminie-hyung."

Jimin moved closer to him. "Look, if he leaves because you told him so and you tell also your grandpa about it, it means he is just trying to fulfill his job that's why he is here. If he stays despite of you telling him to leave, it means he wants to be with you just because he wants to." He explained.

Seokjin understood what Jimin wanted to say, but he is scared. "What if he really leaves?"

"At least it will be clear to you that he does not like you."

"How is that helping?" Seokjin asked and hugged his pillow.

"It would help you to finally move on." Jimin said softly. "You're young. Once you move on, maybe you'll find the right person for you." Jimin said as he tucked Seokjin's hair to his ears.

Seokjin looked at Jimin with an emotion that Jimin can't read.

Jimin smiled at him and said, "it's not something that you want."

"I n-never liked a-nyone aside from Kookie."

"I know, Jinnie, but if he doesn't like you, better to let him go. Me and Joonie will be here to take care of you while you wait for the person who will love you truthfully. It will hurt at first, it would feel like you are giving up your whole life but you'll eventually get through it."

"Have you ever had your heart broken, hyung?"

Jimin looked at him and smiled. "Yes. It was worse than I ever could describe, but I learned how to forgive and forget. It's not easy but it's worth it."

"Will you ever love again?"

"I---I d-don't know." Jimin said. "When my heart got broken, I stopped believing in love." He said sadly.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now