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" Represents a comprehensive or centered on the acceptance of and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete". "

Scorpius stole glances at the body lying next to him. They were a tangled mess of limbs but there was something peaceful about this mess. 

She slept calmly, her red hair spread across the pale blue cushion and her skin

It shone, it was smooth, almost silken against his own. He held out his hand in front of him, carefully examining the platinum band set against his ring finger. 



3 years after they graduated from Hogwarts, Scorpius escaped. He left to travel and find peace. He drew, even though his hand didn't exactly allow him to do so but he did it nevertheless, after he received life changing advice from a little monk. 

He was in Tokyo, finding peace as he watched monks draped in red garments, meditating. He sat under a tree in the vast monastery, when a little boy of around 12 came and calmly sat across from him. The little monk held a cup of some sorts in his hands. But it seemed as if the cup was broken once because it seemed mended. The cracks were now filled with gold.

Scorpius sat there for two hours, looking at the boy.

 He finally spoke, 'What are you doing?" 

The boy looked up at him and smiled. 

"Meditating." He replied. 


"I am trying to accept this cup for its aesthetic beauty." The boy said.

"But its.. it was broken." Scorpius hesitated. 

"That is the beauty of it. When something has suffered a damage and has a history, it becomes more beautiful. It is the Japanese view of life embraced a simple aesthetic that grew stronger as inessentials were eliminated and trimmed away. It is known as wabi-sabi.", the monk continued, "You, for example, are broken. You have't filled your cracks with gold yet. You are not accepting yourself. You need to practice wabi-sabi."

The boy looked at Scorpius and this time he smiled sadly. 

"Have faith." The boy said and got up, leaving behind a Scorpius Malfoy with a new perspective.

A twenty year old, troubled Scorpius had left London and his father's riches behind him to discover himself. 

Now, seven years and travelling around various places later, a twenty seven year old Scorpius decided to create his own destiny. 

He got up and traveled back to London in the next few days. 


Scorpius smiled at the memory. 

Rose stirred beside him. He looked at his wife and wondered if Rose was his biggest 'What if?'

Scorpius's thoughts wandered off to Kiara.

 Where she was? What she was doing? 

The last time they met, he had finished his first dance with Rose after he accepted Rose as his wife. 

"Dis was great. I am so happy for you Scorpius." Kiara had said. 

"I believe I am too. But this is my biggest what if." He had replied. 

"You will be fine. Scorpius you know I love you. You figured dat long ago. But you also figured dat some people and relationships are better left untouched." 

He nodded. 

"We are not meant to be. We are ze two stars at ze end of constellations. Not meant to meet. Just gaze at each other and mourn for our love." She said as she handed him a small box, wrapped in silver. He opened it and inside was a small phial. 

"It's empty." he said. 

"Think that it has ze universe inside it because only ze universe is large enough for me to measure my love for you."

Kiara stood on her toes and kissed Scorpius on his cheek, then she turned around and never returned to his life. 

Scorpius sighed. 

The phial hung around his neck in a silver chain. Rose knew not to talk about it. but Scorpius, eventually told Rose about Kiara and the phial and she understood and never spoke of it again. 

 He loved Rose, he absolutely adored Rose but there was something he shared with Kiara which he could not rekindle with Rose. Never. 

So he accepted his life and Rose and his relationship with Kiara for its aesthetic beauty. 

Everything around him was broken but he had managed to fill all the cracks with gold. 

He had managed to finally master the art of wabi-sabi.

His gold was his family. Rose. The baby girl they were expecting soon and his life ahead as a father. 

Rose stirred again. This time she spoke something. 

Scorpius was used to Rose speaking in her sleep but what he heard in that moment was something he had not prepared himself for. 

"Cory, we'll name her Kiara." Rose mumbled and opened her eyes. 

Scorpius leaned down and kissed her. 

Kiara had managed to, yet again, return to his life. 


I am sorry if this is not what you thought of or if I messed the characters but here's my first try at working at someone else's story and I am satisfied with it. 

I hope you are too. I did not write this with the intention to win but this just came to my head one day and I wanted to share this with all of you and the author of the story "To Be Luminous", one of the best storied I have read here on wattpad and one of the best Harry Potter fan fiction.

Thank You.

With Love


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