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"Are we suppose to go inside?" asked Wei wuxian, the place looked a little creepy though Hua cheng nodded his head and went inside the Paradise Manor bringing Wei wuxian along with him.

Wei wuxian eyes got widen as he saw Hua cheng sitting right infront of him from the memories but the Hua cheng was wearing Black clothes, he was also wearing a black eye patch covering on of his eyes, his skin white as snow, dark hairs. "The man look heavenly."

"Is this really you?" questioned Wei wuxian who was still staring at the Hua cheng from memories.

"Mn" Hua cheng don't really know if his son would think of him ugly.

"Why are you even dressing like this?" asked Wei wuxian.

"Huh?" do I look ugly to a-ying, wondered Hua cheng.

"Just look at you sitting like that, how handsome!" exclaimed Wei wuxian with a bunny smile and Hua cheng signed in relief.

'This is from where I got my handsome looks and charming personality!' thought Wei wuxian with so much happiness.

"A-ying! Let go after" said Hua cheng waving his hand at Wei Wuxian who seemed to lost in his thoughts.

"Hmm, let's go!" said Wei wuxian as they both began to follow the Hua cheng from memories.

The memories continued to played as they watched

Hua cheng smiled with delight after hearing his Gege! His Gege is pregnant! He is going to be a Father!

"Gege is it what I heard?" asked Hua cheng for confirmation. And hoped it to be true.

Xie lian chuckled and nodded his head, Hua cheng pulled him into his embrace.

They both are going to be parents!

Wei wuxian was feeling unusual after seeing this and the memory again changed.

After few days Shi qingxuan, Mu qing and Feng xin visited Xie lian.

"Is it true?" asked Shi qingxuan.

"Mn" replied Xie lian with a nod and the trio beamed in happiness.

"Aaaaaaaa! I am going to be aunt! Oh heavens, am i dreaming? No no, It's real!" screemed Shi qingxuan with excitement. Mu qing and Feng xin was also happy as it can be clearly seen on their faces.

Wei wuxian chuckled at their reactions and continue to watch further.

Ever since, the three heavenly officials find out about Xie lian pregnancy, they started to visit the couple so often, at a point one will get confused if they actually live in Ghost city. They rarely go back to heavenly realms.

Hua cheng felt irritation by their presences but eventually got used to it after few months of them spending most of their time in Paradise Manor.

Wei wuxian started to enjoy the memories now as he was watching it with quite pleasure but Alas they again teleported into different memory.

A healer was carrying out a little child wrapped in red blanket.

"I am going to carry the baby first!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan as she runs towards the direction.

"No! I will!" exclaimed both Mu qing and Feng xin together as they also run after Shi qingxuan.

"It's my son, i am the one to carry him first!" exclaimed Hua cheng as he already took the baby from the healer, he was on cloud nine today after seeing his son. Even after holding him it was still hard to believe he became father.

"You- Just give me my nephew back!" shouted Shi qingxuan as Hua cheng disappeared from their.

"Hahahah! they are amusing!" exclaimed Wei wuxian after a laugh. But the fact he looked so cute as a little child.

The heavenly officials went inside the the chamber of Xie lian, he was unconsciously covered in sweat. Hua cheng gave the Child to Shi qingxuan as she leave from there happily carrying the child while Mu qing and Feng xin was bickering at each other on who Shi qingxuan was going to give the little child next.

Hua cheng wiped Xie lian and sat there holding his hand, later Xie lian gain his consciousness and first thing he asked for was his baby.

Although, Wei wuxian believed when it turned out they were his parents but he wasn't willing to admit it out loud. But eventually his real family is great!

Shi qingxuan returned her nephew to Xie lian who hold his child while shivering with nervousness but Hua cheng helped him and sat right beside him to support his back.

"Now what's the name you guys decided for my nephew?" asked Shi qingxuan.

"Gege!" exclaimed Hua cheng waiting for Xie lian to spoke.

"Mn, Ying! Hua Ying!" exclaimed Xie lian as he snuggled his little son closer to him.

"Hua Ying!" exclaimed Hua cheng, he was so happy today that can't be described in words.

'Should I tell him I already believed they are my family?' thought Wei wuxian but then he wanted to see more memories so he shrugged off the thought.

Shi qingxuan, Feng xin and Mu qing leave from there as Xie lian needed the rest although he have a ridiculously high pain tolerance but it won't convince Hua cheng in any way. They feed the baby first before laying down together on the bed.

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