18|¡A Forbidden Temptation¡

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" But something happened for the very first time with you " - Leona Lewis (Bleeding Love)

Chapter Theme Song : Bleeding Love ( Leona Lewis )

Chapter Theme Song : Bleeding Love ( Leona Lewis )

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I watched as Marisa walked away, her heels clicking on the pavement, each step taking her further from me. But it wasn't her departure that weighed heavy on my mind; it was the forbidden desire that lingered within me.

As I made my way home, Cairo, my loyal companion, sensed my unease. His wagging tail and gentle nudges were a silent reminder that I wasn't alone in this internal struggle. But even his comforting presence couldn't ease the turmoil that churned within me.

The drive back was a blur, my thoughts consumed by Hailey. Her presence in my life, as a student and the forbidden nature of our connection, was a constant battle between my principles and my heart. I parked the car and stepped out, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Cairo greeted me with his usual enthusiasm, his tail wagging furiously. I managed a weak smile, grateful for his unwavering loyalty. But as I entered the solitude of my home, the silence only amplified the chaos in my mind.

Seeking solace, I headed straight for the shower, hoping the water would cleanse not only my body but also my conflicted soul. The hot water cascaded over me, but it couldn't wash away the thoughts of Hailey that consumed me. Her image lingered in my mind, her eyes filled with a mix of innocence and curiosity.


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Stepping out of the shower, the steam-filled air mirrored the fog in my mind. I stood before the fogged-up mirror, staring at my own reflection, searching for answers that seemed to elude me. Hailey had become an undeniable presence in my thoughts, a temptation I couldn't resist.

I knew the boundaries I had set for myself, the rules I had sworn to abide by. But Hailey had effortlessly crossed those lines, leaving me torn between my principles and the undeniable pull towards her. It was a battle I couldn't afford to lose, yet one I was afraid I might not win.

And so, as I dried off and dressed, the weight of my conflicting emotions remained. The allure of Hailey's presence lingered, a constant reminder of the forbidden path I was treading. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Little did I know that the journey to reconcile my principles and my desires would be far from easy. Principles I wasn't ready to break - yet she tempted me against the very rules I lived by.

I had to confront my feelings for Hailey, for the sake of my own sanity. The pull between us was undeniable, like a magnetic force that refused to be ignored. But the consequences of succumbing to this forbidden temptation loomed over me like a dark cloud.

As I sat in my study, surrounded by books and the scent of aged paper, I tried to focus on the task at hand: writing. But my mind kept drifting back to Hailey, her infectious laughter and the way her eyes sparkled when she spoke. How could I resist such a captivating presence?

The sound of rain tapping against the windowpane matched the rhythm of my racing heart. I knew I had to make a decision, to either embrace the forbidden or retreat into the safety of boundaries. But how could I deny the connection that had formed between us? I wish I had answers, this are times I wished Trevor didn't leave far away in the South.

As I stand before the mirror, my own eyes betray the turmoil within.

"What am I doing?" I mutter to the man before me. This yearning, it's relentless, tearing at my insides every time she's near. Yet, I hold back, trapped by the fear of what might happen if I surrender to this desire.

I rake my fingers through my hair, the physical echo of my inner chaos. She's become a siren's song, mesmerizing yet fraught with peril. Dare I open my heart to her? What chaos might unfurl if I do?

Silence is my only answer, a void filled with the pounding of my heart.

With a heavy sigh, I concede, "Not now, not yet." I turn from my reflection, but the seed of doubt remains, casting a long, unshakeable shadow over my resolve.

The echo of my own voice feels like a stranger's.

"And what then, Maximiliano? Will you just bury these feelings, let them fester and wilt like forgotten dreams?" The question is a blade, sharp and gleaming, poised at the edge of my conscience.

I try to shake the disquiet, to dislodge the grip of emotions clawing for release.

"She deserves more, doesn't she? More than a man shrouded in hesitation and shadows." My reflection offers no absolution, only the stark truth of my hesitation staring back at me.

A laugh, bitter and mocking, escapes me. "Courage, old boy, that's what it takes. But when the moment comes, will you rise or fall?" The answer remains elusive, dancing just beyond reach, a tantalizing promise of what could be-if only I dared to chase it.

My laughter fades, leaving a silence that's heavy with unspoken words.

"To confront such a storm within, to lay bare my soul, it's a treacherous path," I admit to the emptiness around me. "Yet, how can I deny this pull, as if she's the north to my wayward compass?"

With each heartbeat, the truth becomes clearer, a lighthouse in the fog of my doubts. "She's the risk I'm tempted to take, the leap into the unknown. But am I ready to fall, to trust that the fall itself is worth it?"

The question lingers, a ghost in the room. I know the answer is there, within me, waiting for the courage to be set free.

"Soon," I whisper, a vow to the man in the mirror, "soon, I'll have the strength to face the tempest she stirs in me."



Until then! We'll see about that,😊

Until then! We'll see about that,😊

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