Chapter 4

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TWO WEEKS HAVE passed since the fight, Aonung received his fair punishment, after leaving Loak beyond the reef

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TWO WEEKS HAVE passed since the fight, Aonung received his fair punishment, after leaving Loak beyond the reef. Meanwhile Loak made a new friend, Payakan, a Tulkun. After Payakan saved him from a vicious creature, they developed an adorable friendship.

Even though Payakan is seen as an outsider, Loak doesn't believe that. He trusts him with all his heart.

You were in your hut carving your knife, when you heard familiar voices calling your name from outside. Your ears perked up at the voices. You stopped what you were doing and rushed outside.

Jake was in his hut with an unconscious Kiri laying on the floor. Your eyes widened as you gasped. "Lei!" You turned around to be faced by Tsireya. "Sister, we were at the spirit tree when Kiri suddenly started seizing." She said with worry in her voice. Her eyes were brimming with tears, she really cared about Kiri. They've become close friends overtime.

"Oh my Eywa, it's okay Reya she'll be alright. Come here." You replied pulling her in for a comforting embrace. She nuzzled her head in the crook of your neck as she sniffled. You stroked her hair shushing her softly.

The both of you pulled away from the hug. "I'll be inside Jake's hut wait right over there with Loak and Neteyam." You said to Tsireya, before giving her a kiss on her head. She nodded before leaving to where Loak and Neteyam were sitting at.

As you walked in Jake looked up at you, he felt relieved to see you. "Lei'wa, it's good to see you, I need Ronal, please I'm begging you." Jake said with hope in his eyes. "I'll go get her, it's going to be okay Jake, remember mawey mawey." You responded with encouragement.

Ronal immediately made her way towards Jake's hut once you told her what happened. While Ronal was working on trying to wake up Kiri, you sat with Loak, Neteyam, and Tuk, comforting them as much as you could. You were holding Tuk against your chest, stroking her hair softly.

You noticed that Loak and Neteyam were very quiet so you decided to speak up. "Loak, Neteyam, I know what the both of you are thinking right now, and it's not your fault boys. You guys didn't know that this was going to happen, so please don't blame yourselves." Neteyam and Loak were so glad to hear those comforting words from you, that's what they needed the most right now.

"Thanks mom, we really appreciate it." Loak replied not realizing what he just called you. Your eyes widened as tears began to prick at your eyes. You felt so thrilled to hear that word, you felt so eternally grateful to be called mom, it's all you ever wanted to be, a mother. Neteyam was just as shocked as you, but a smile made its way to his face. "Yeah, thanks for being here for us mom, we love you." Neteyam said with happy tears in his eyes.

"Come here boys." You responded as you pulled them in for a warm and gentle embrace. "I love you both so much." You said as you planted a soft kiss on their foreheads. "We love you mama." Said Tuk as she nuzzled into you more. You looked down at her with a loving smile, stroking her cheek gently.

Little did you know that Jake saw your whole interaction with the kids, in that moment he knew that you were the one...


Thanks to Ronal, Kiri woke up, and you immediately ran to her side to condolence her. Ronal noticed the bond and connection that you had with the kids, she smiled to herself when she saw you comforting Kiri. She walked away to give you and the Sully's some privacy.

The rest of the day you spent it with the Sully's of course. It was like a daily routine for you. You just couldn't stay away from the family. You cared so deeply about them. They meant a lot to you. As you were eating dinner with the family you and Jake would share secret glances here and there.

You tried not to make it obvious of how flustered you were by this simple interaction between the two of you. But Loak and Neteyam could already sense that something was going on. Kiri was starting to catch on as well.

Meanwhile Tuk was just in her own little world. You really didn't know what your personal relationship was with Jake at the moment, soon you'll figure it out...

Chapter 4 is officially done guys!! I couldn't help it I was just to eager to write the fourth chapter!!!! I already love this book!!! I hope you guys do too! :))) 💞

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