Follow You

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Chapter Four.

August 20. 10:23 pm.

"So, how's school going for you, Y/N?" The question is one I've been asked thousands of times before, all from John, and all usually around the same time; but coming from Ms. Taylor's comforting voice doesn't fill me with unnecessary anger. I take a bite of the reheated spaghetti and look up at her. She sits across from me at the small dining table, and Gage sits on my left, his gaze and focus on his food. Part of me wishes he were focused on me, but the other part knows it's selfish to think that way- even when I can't get them out of my head. "It's going fine, thanks. So far, the work's been pretty easy and I've got enough friends to enjoy it." It's only partially a lie. I have enough friends for me, though I'm sure three- maybe four now that I've properly met Stacy- isn't what anyone else would consider "enough friends."

She smiles at me, her lips now wiped clean from the red lipstick she adorned earlier. She's not eating with us, only drinking sips of her red wine. Gage told me this is normal if she's gone out; sitting at the dinner table and chatting with him about his day and what he's thinking, even if she already ate. It's such a nice thing to do, and on days where I mope wishing John could've been better, or wishing I had a better dad in general, I could see myself wanting this with him- or with a better parent- or maybe Mom. If she were still here, would she have stayed with him? If she did, would she still stay even after he started losing his memory? Would he be a better person if she were with us?

I shake the thoughts from my head, focusing back onto my plate in front of me. I can't cry in front of her again, and I definitely can't in front of Gage. "That's good to hear. I'm glad you have good friends to hang out with." She smirks as she glances at Gage, then back at me. "And a boyfriend." Gage's head snaps up to her, his face all pink. How sweet. "Mom! I told you he's not my boyfriend." He argues, though not strongly, his face turning brighter with the words he speaks. She just smiles and giggles. "Mhmm, whatever you say, baby." She leans over and places a kiss on his cheek, to which he leans away from. "Momm, please," He spluttered, exasperated. She just peppers kisses all over his cheek, ignoring him. I can't help the smile that creases my lips, watching them silently. I can see how he could be embarrassed by her, but really, he's so lucky to have a mom like her. She giggles and pulls away. "Fine, fine." She readjusts in her seat, a proud smile tugging at her lips. Gage lets his messy bangs fall over his face, though his hair's not long enough to cover the smile that mirrors his mothers.

August 20. 11:12 pm.

After dinner, Gage practically drags me up the stairs with him, his hand never loosening its grasp on mine. His mom only smiles at us as we go, which makes a blush rise up my neck and into my cheeks. As he leads me to his room, I can't help but smile. He's gotten more confident with me, I can tell. God, why does that make me feel the way it does? I shut the door behind me and he reaches his arm past me, twisting the lock as he looks up at me. I smirk down at him, his beautiful sage colored eyes gazing into mine. My smirk softens into a smile and he seems to notice, a light pink tint grazing his cheeks, his nose, the tips of his ears.

The buzz of the alcohol has worn down by now, having been a few hours ago; but nonetheless, the adrenaline I feel right now is almost unbearable. In one swift motion, I wrap my arms around his waist and hoist him up into my arms. He squeaks and his legs wrap instinctively around my hips, his arms around my neck. I press my lips up against his, him responding in kind; kissing me back almost as passionately, though I can still feel the shyness of it. I waste no time in carrying him to his bed, laying him in it and breaking the kiss. His eyelids flutter open, his green eyes dark in the dim light; the only light being the deep, navy blue lamp on his bedside table. I need him.

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