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You were walking again in the empty hallway . You were literally alone. Until you felt an pair of hands grabbed your waist.. Pulled YOU inside of an dark.. Closet you yelped quietly In suprise
As the door locks. You tried to pull away  and suddenly.. You felt it kissed your neck. You never knew who the person was but.. Ngl it.. Felt good. The cookie sucks your neck you blushed more as it licks it.

??? ::" it felt hot for you Isnt it?~"
They said teasingly and you were about to moan  . It pinches your thigh softly and you yelped more.. The cookies hands are so .. Soft and cold.. It was clear that they were also like this ..you felt the pleasure coming in as you felt butterflies in your stomach.. It lifts your skirt an little up.. And planted an kidss on your  lips~


you remembered what still happened yesterday.. They probably might be somewhere in this school. Like.. It literally f***** you in the closet you felt more and. More pleasure and butterflies in your stomach. But just then..

you turned back it's.. LICORICE cookie. Damn..


I saw y/n cookie.. Not this early.. Oh shoot.. I better not be having an butterflies going through me randomly!! I swear.. Her scent is so.. Ugh.. I just wanna hug her but..

"Oh look! It's the loser!! "

I said mockingly as I pulled her hair. And she yelped loudly. And she accidentally pulled me closer.... We were so.. Close.. Oh shoot.. My heart is beating more faster than an cheetah could. I felt flattered  and looked away.

"I-idiot!! Why did you do that!? Do you think I will fall for you over this!?.. "

I said.. Fluttering.. My heart is fluttering..


She realized what she does so she also turned into an tomato. And apolagizsd to licorice over 10000x times. After what you lazily and clumsily did to him.. You pulled away. And runs off . You were screaming in mind due to that LITERAL moment that he just like.. Hugged you and be close but it was an accident si it's obvious. That will make him hated you more..

✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩

~ he was arrogant and he'd obsessed be
with you

~ he loves you to much.. Way much that he stalks you at your showering

~ he blushed everytime when he saw you.

~ He would rather die than you finding outhes secret feelings for you.

~ he always be mean to other cookies when they said something bad at you

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