Chapter 5

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IT WAS A GLORIOUS morning in Awa'atlu, the sun was shining bright, the waves were calm and soothing

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IT WAS A GLORIOUS morning in Awa'atlu, the sun was shining bright, the waves were calm and soothing. You were spending time with your parents and your siblings in their hut. When suddenly the horn blew. The Tulkun have come home!

Everyone in the village jumped out from their mauri's to greet their spirit siblings. You and Tsireya along with Tonowari and Ronal immediately got up and ran out of your hut.

And there was cycled migration, the Tulkun have come home.

You were so excited to see your spirit sister again, Ni'alu. You called for your tsurak, Tíli. A smile made its way to your face once you spotted her. She let out a high pitched wail, excited to see you. You were swimming so fast that you didn't notice Jake making his way towards you, with a big smile on his face.

You turned around when you noticed that Jake was there. You smiled at him, and waved him over so he could meet Ni'alu.

"Sister I see you, how have you been?" You signed to her with exhilaration. "I see you sister, I have been doing well. How have you been?" She replied letting out a sweet wail.  "I've been good sister, I am happy." You responded as you took a glance at Jake with a smile.

Ni'alu noticed this. "And who is that man sister? He seems important." She asked flapping her fins in exclamation. "He's Jake Sully, Toruk Makto. He recently moved here with his children. I'm utterly in love with him but he doesn't know sister." Jake looked at the both of you with curiosity, he doesn't know much about sign language.

Ni'alu squealed, "Oh yes I've heard of him. He led the clans to victory against the Sky People. He's a strong warrior. I can tell he's the one for you, I can see that he's in love with you as-well." You smiled bashfully, you turned around to face Jake. You grabbed his hand and pulled him towards Ni'alu so he could greet her.

He swam up to her, and hugged her. Ni'alu closed her eyes accepting the affection. Jake pulled away and smiled at you with admiration. You smiled back as you did a flip with Ni'alu.


After spending time with Ni'alu, you and Jake decided to take a walk together at the beach. "It was really nice to meet Ni'alu. What were you guys talking about?" Jake asked with curiosity.

You felt your cheeks heat up when Jake asked you that. You didn't know how he'd react if you told him that you and your spirit sister were talking about him. But you decided to tell him anyway. "Oh um well we were talking about you Jake, she asked me who you were." You replied nervously.

Jake smiled at your response. He paused before speaking. "Lei'wa, I um have something to say. I don't know how you'll feel after hearing this, but um...I'm incredibly in love with you Lei. You make me feel so happy inside. Every little you do makes me nervous, I adore being around you. You make my heart so full. You're so caring, loving, and respectful. It makes me so thrilled to see the bond that you have with the kids, they already see you as their mother. I know you probably don't feel the same way but... Oel ngati kameie  Ma'Lei."

You were in absolute shock, you couldn't believe what you've just heard. Your face was red as a tomato by now. "Jake..I-I don't know what to say, oh my Eywa. Jake I feel the exact same way, you make me so happy. I love being around the kids, I feel such an amazing connection towards them. I'll always be there for them no matter what. Oel ngati kameie Ma'Jake." You replied back with so much appreciation and love.

  Jake smiled at you before taking your hand in his. He walked even more closer to you. Your breath hitched at the proximity, then he softly pressed his lips against yours. It felt amazing to have his lips against yours. You kissed him back with the same admiration, your lips moved in sync slowly and gently. He pulled you closer to his body by your waist. The both of you pulled away to catch your breaths.

The both of you just stared into each other's eyes adoringly. There was a comfortable silence between you both, before you guys bursted into a fit of giggles. Eventually you guys stopped laughing, Jake pressed his forehead against yours. "I see you Ma'Jake." You spoke up. "I see you Ma'Lei." Jake responded back with a loving smile on his face.

YAY!!! Chapter 5 is finished you guys!!! I absolutely LOVED this chapter it's one of my faves!!! I hope you guys are having an awesome day!!! :))))) 💗💗

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