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World is one mysterious place. Humans may think they explored all of it, but there is a lot that they don't yet know. Behind the highest mountain in the world, there lies a hidden forest called Gallifa. A place where the night of dusk and the light od dawn come together and create a beautiful glow over the whole land. Gallifa is a place full of beautiful hidden creatures, all kinds of animals, but most of all, wolves. Gallifa is parted by the line of night and day. A line that goes through the land and departs it on two halfs. The half of day and the half od night. On the half where night leads it's way, with soft shadows of dusk that paints the sky in beautiful red and orange patterns, lives the Shadow wolf pack. The Shadow pack is full of only black wolves, with their leader named Apex. Apex is the strongest wolf in the pack, he has control over everything and everyone. His eyes are fierce so much that if you get a closer look at them, they strike like a loghtining and for disobedience, he is ready to kill. Apex is a good leader, but behind those eyes lies a story that no one can even imagine is yet to come.

On the half where day is shining brightly, sun is casting a soft glow over the forest. During the day time, birds are singing their soft sonates, while where the night comes down, owls are quetly whispering among themselves, looking at the beutiful moonlight that lights up their way home. On that gorgeous place lives the Light clan. Light clan is a home for all the white wolves. All of them are strong, elegant and their beauty is mesmerising. Alfa of the Light clan is named

Even though on the first sight it all seems too beutiful to be true, the truth is, it is. Shadow pack and the Light clan have been leading a war for over a decade. Any contact between the two packs is strictly forbidden because of the rule Apex made and everyone has to respect it. Both clans are very teritorial and they don't dare to step on the other's land because if they would, they will immediately get killed. At first, some may have wondered about the story behind the war and how it started, but after few years everyone accepted it as normal and nobody doesn't even think about it anymore. So the reason of the war has always been unknown to all wolves from both clans. Or at least they pretend that way...

When the Shadow finds it's LightWhere stories live. Discover now