The future that you can't see

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On the day of  October 2,2025, the U.S. military is going to war with the Middle East for there oil and riches. While there is another war in Africa but we don't hear to much about wars this time, you gotta look for it nowadays especially since we have TikTok no one watches tv anymore just because of social media of course.
12 months have passed it is now September 1,2026 and the soldiers have came back and won the war, America says "this was the quickest war in history." You have people who celebrated the deaths of innocents while others are protesting in the streets for peace and stopping the killings of children and civilians.

But America doesn't care, they arrest everyone that protests in the streets and we never seen a protest ever again. There's 12% of homeless people and since the house passed the bill to make homeless illegal, they have been arresting homeless people and we haven't seen as many of them ever again. Most of them are hiding within buildings and other abandoned places but the government are tearing them down with the homeless people in them. A homeless man had made a sign that said "end is near." People laugh at him and say "that is so cliché this isn't a movie buddy and calls the police on him to get him off the streets.

Now there is a small protest going on in the streets and they are giving speeches to everyone and they bring this blind homeless man. Now everyone isn't so sure about him but he speaks as if he is speaking from the future.
Now my time from fighting in the wars of Vietnam and knowing the truth and horrors that we have done to those people than and to people that sent my son to Iraq and the horrors that my son has committed will not go unpunished, for me fighting in the war they have struck both of my eyes to never follow the right path again. For the war that's going on over there in Palestine is the day we should all pray and one day America will be punished for aiding in genocides. We will be struck down and we would should be prepared for are sins to be washed throughout the streets, homes and schools.

The people in the crowd stares silently with shivers down there spine and that day was a chilling day without snow. Everyone goes home and the day that man spoke and to the woman and men protesting was never seen again and never heard of again. Everyone moves on as the housing market is crashing and everything becomes worse over time and we as citizens are unaware of anything and everything. The rich get richer and the poor gets poorer, people are getting kicked out of there homes and lose there jobs add that up and equal that to more people in jail overtime.

Fives have passed and America has no more wars cause they have killed every enemy. So they think but they don't know what's about to happen in a few months or years to come but they say they will be ready to fight whoever comes there way. But the enemy is small but the war is coming to an end of times will begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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