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A girl was laying down on her bed, curling into a ball in her blanket. Her hands were shaking as she could felt her stomach rolling. The cramps started.

She tightly gripped the mattress sheets.
She closed her eyes and willing herself to sleep. Trying to hold back her tears. The more she pretended to, the worse it got.

She didn't bother to take the blankets off herself. It was cold. She couldn't felt anything but her bones.

A creak on her door can be heard. But she didn't bother to it. She just kept curling herself in a ball.

The door can be heard opened. She can heard the slow footsteps getting closer to her bed.

"Love?" a soft voice that can make anyone melts.

Its her girl.

The girl just coming back from the guest room because of their argument last night. She got shoved away by her lover to sleep in there alone. Poor girl.

The bed dipped down. The girl sat beside her on the edge of the bed.

Wearing her attire work outfits. Black blazer. White long sleeve. Black office pants. Probably ready to go to her work today.

"Baby? Are you okay?" the girl said softly.

She slowly lifted up the blanket from the smaller girl body just to look at her who was with a pale face make her worried.

"Yah—" she then took her phone and looked at the date.

"Aishh. I forgot it. It's the day of the month. I'm sorry baby. I'm gonna back again okay?" she caressing the small girl crown.

No wonder the small girl was so emotional last night. Its her day of the month. The taller girl felt so stupid for forgetting it. She just so busy with her works lately that what leads them into argument last night.

The sick girl just hummed in response. Before the taller went outside, she gave a peck on the tip of her nose.

"I love you." the girl said and quickly get off the bed and went dowstairs.

She took off her blazer, unbuttoned the first button of her white long-sleeve, and rolling up the sleeve until her elbows.

She took the towel that in the bathroom and wetting it with warm water. Making a cup of hot mint tea. Taking the chocopie as much possible.

After that she quickly went upstairs again with tray in her hands. Bring all the things she took earlier.

"Hey love.. I come inside." she softly said. Thank god she didn't closed the door completely earlier.

She opened the door with her feet and went inside the room not forgetting to close the door again.

She went to the bed closer and put the tray on the bedside table. Sitting on the edge of the bed, softly trying to pull the blanket.

"Hey.. come out from your cave, baby." the girl said but the smaller girl just whining.

"That's it. I'm not going to the company today." she sighed and reaching the towel on the bedside table.

"Come here you big baby." she pulled off the blanket revealing a girl curling in a ball.

"What a baby.." she muttered under her breath.

Seeing her lover looking cute in this state sending her different feelings but thats not for the time. She mentally scolding herself.

Slowly took the girl hands that gripping her own shirts. She held it gently. Not wanting to hurt her girl. She pulled the girl legs to straight it. She want the girl to lay on her back properly.

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