Chapter 1

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It was just another day for Marinette.  The sky was blue and the birds were chirping. 

Marinette sigh before slipping out of her bed and walking over towards her dresser drawer.

She picked her outfit for the day and walked over towards her little bathroom. 

~ Marinette Outfit ~

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~ Marinette Outfit ~

Marinette combed her hair out before leaving her room and going downstairs. When she entered the living room she looked around to see that there were beer cans and pizza boxes and trash everywhere.

She let out a sigh before waking into the kitchen to grab a trash bag. When she had it she walked back into the living and began picking up all of the trash.

Even though she loves her father to Pieces she had to admit she couldn't stand when he would bring his friends over to their house. When they had their little parties they would leave the house a mess and some of them would sometimes harass her.

After she was done cleaning up the door to the front door opened.  She looked over at the door to see her father  slipping inside.

Tom - Oh good morning dear.

Marinette looked at him with her arms crossed.

Tom - Look I'm sorry Ben and that boys came over and we got a little out of control. 

Marinette - Yeah like always. 

After she said that she walked back into the kitchen to put the trash up. 

Marinette - I'm going out.

Tom - Where too?

Marinette - Away from here.

"Mari-" Before Tom could even finish his sentence Marinette was out the door.

Ever since her mother passed away her father has been out of his mind.  He had began drinking, smoking, and coming up with weird inventions.

He also became friends with the village most dangerous man. One of the men were Tony. He was known for being one of the greatest Village Hunters. That was until one day he lost his right arm.

He claimed some Beast had took his arm off with his own bare hands. Many people didn't believe it except for his friends. He had a son named Nathaniel who was absolutely obsessed with her.

Marinette had know Nathaniel throughout School. He was 21 and was known for being the youngest Hunter in their village. All the women loved him in all the men wanted him to be their son the only person that didn't like him was her.

To her Nathaniel was a spoiled little brat who didn't know what the word no meant.

As she was walking down the road she passed a few people.  From what she can hear one of the mothers was scolding their child about something.

She only stop talking to the child when she seen her walking down the road. Not only was the woman looking at her but other people were as well her children and also her husband.

Marinette was used to the looks at this point. She was known for being the odd one in town. She never liked going to parties and she always quit and to herself. What made it worse was her father.

She continued walking until she reached the library.  Her and her father didn't have enough money to get any of the new gadgets everyone else had. It didn't bother her because she loved reading. Her mother was the reason behind it.

When she enter the library the librarian was already waiting for her.

Librarian - Well hello Marinette your looking beautiful as always. 

Marinette - Thank you your looking beautiful as well.

Librarian - Not as beautiful as you now what brings you here to Day?

Marinette - Just looking for a new story to read you know?

Librarian - Well today is your lucky day we have five new stories.

After she said that she put the 5 books on the table. Marinette looked at them and read the titles.

There were two romantic books one drama book and two comedy books.

Marinette - Can I get " name of book"

sorry guys I couldn't think of any love stories.

The librarian nodded her head before handing the book over to her

Librarian - Now Marinette you can keep the book if you want to. You don't have to return it.

Marinette - Really are you sure?

The Librarian - Yes of course Think of it as a early birthday present. 

Marinette - Awww thank you so much.

The Librarian said of course before giving Marinette the book. The young lady thank her one more time before leaving. 

Since it was still morning she decided to stop by a little Cafe to buy something to eat.

When she enter the building half of the man looked at her. She didn't look at them, she just continued to walk over towards the front counter. 

The owner - Good Morning Miss Dupain-cheng what can I help you were?

Marinette - Good Morning I'll have the usual.

The Owner - Yes ma'am.

After he said that Marinette pay and walked outside to sit at the tables. While she was sitting down and waiting for her food she decided to read her book.

It didn't take the man long to bring her food out.

Her Breakfast

Marinette - Thank you.

The Owner - Of course. 

After he said that he looked her up and down before leaving to go back into the restaurant. 

Marinette picked up her coffee and took a sip out of it. The book that she was reading was very interesting. 

Sadly for her her nice morning was soon going to turn into shit because the one person in the world she didn't like was walking her way with his group of friends. 

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