Chapter 1: Reunion

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„Jaxith wake up you overslept, were late for the festival!" Thats how his little Brother, Pyke woke him up on this fateful day jumping on his bed in the processand looking at him with his grey eyes that looked almost like stone. „Wait forme outside I'll be right there, okay?" Jaxith said, still half asleep. „Okaybut hurry up we don't want to be there too late." Pyke said while running outof his room. Jaxith ran into his mom on the way out, „oh hey look who's finallyup" she said while smiling at him with the soft and warm smile she always.„Yeah sorry I slept for too long, me and Pyke are about to head to the festivaldo you need anything?" Jaxith asked „Oh about that, I'm sorry but I need you twoto go to the city nearby, Sargasso to go buy some stuff for dinner later" Shereplied „Okay I'll go tell Pyke real quick and then we'll go" he said whilewalking out the door „Thank you, I love you" she yelled „Love you too" Jaxith yelledback. „Hey Pyke, mom needs us to go buy some stuff for later, we need to headover to Sargasso" Jaxith told Pyke after looking for him for a few minutes „Awwokay" he replied, visibly sad that they could not go to the festival. After afew hours of walking, they finally arrived in Sargasso. It was a big city andthe capital of their homeland. Their small town, Pacifis faded in comparison tothis massive city. „Do you still have the list of groceries mom gave us?" Jaxithasked his little brother while Pyke was amazed by the city around them. „Yes, Ido" He replied while checking his pockets, „can you read it to me please?" Jaxithasked him. „Of course, it says: Carrots, Potatoes and Salt" Pyke said. „Okay let'sgo get that then" he said while trying to think of where to go for all that.After they were done with shopping and on their way back to Pacifis they saw afigure on the outskirts of Sargasso. Their bodies were unable to move for asecond as the realization of who was standing before them finally settled in.The realization hit them individually, Jaxith realized it first and sank to theground, totally overwhelmed with emotions of all sorts. after they caught up, theyasked „Jain is that really you?" with tears running down their faces. „YesPyke, Jaxith I'm relieved you guys were okay without me" He replied, his eyesnow filling up with tears as well. „We need to bring you back to Pacifis,everyone thought you died since you never returned a year ago" Jaxith saidstill in complete disbelief over who was standing before him, but there was nodoubt this really was Jain, his and Pykes big brother. He was a few years olderthan him about 16 by this point and had blue eyes that shined as bright asstars and hair as dark as the night that reached below his shoulders, hetowered over both of them, he was really tall. „That sounds like a good idea,I'm so happy to finally see you guys again!" He said with Pyke clinging ontohim now, never wanting to let go again. And so, they headed back to thevillage.

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