Chapter 6

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ITS BEEN A couple of days since the tulkun left

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ITS BEEN A couple of days since the tulkun left. Every year when the tulkun return your people have a festival to celebrate their arrival. Right now your at the beach collecting some shells, you were planning on decorating your top with some shells for the party. You were so thrilled once you found out that Ni'alu is expecting a calf soon!

As you were walking back to your mauri, someone tapped your shoulder from behind. You turned around to be met by Kiri and Tsireya. "Hey girls, what are you two up to?" You asked with a smile. "Hey mom were just taking a walk on the beach and chatting, I'm excited for the festival tonight." Kiri replied as she played with her necklace.

"Me too sister I can't wait to sing and dance tonight!" Added Tsireya squealing. You giggled at her exclamation. "Well why don't you both help me make a top for the festival?" You asked as you continued to walk, the girls following behind.

"Yeah sure mom." Kiri replied as she looped her arm into yours. Every time Kiri or one of the kids call you mom it brings you so much joy into your heart. Tsireya smiled at you and Kiri's bond, shes so happy that you've developed a bond with the Sully kids.


The sun was starting to set as you and Tsireya made your way to the Sully's hut. Loak immediately started flirting with Tsireya once she stepped in. Jake's eyes landed on you as soon as you walked in. You had a gorgeous pink top on with the shells that you collected hanging on long threads of the top. You also wore a beautiful head piece made out of shells and diamonds. Jake's pupils dilated as he stared at you with heart eyes.

You blushed at his intense stare, it gave you butterflies in your stomach. You felt tingles all over your body. Jake walked up to you and held you by the waist. "You look absolutely gorgeous baby." You giggled at his compliment. "Thank you Ma'Jake." You responded leaning into him.

"Ughh, mom, dad keep the flirting to a minimum I don't need to see that." Said Loak with disgusted look. You laughed at his facial expression. "You don't need to worry Ma'Itan, let's go everyone." You replied with a playful smile.

Neteyam and Loak got up from their positions and started walking. You, Jake, and Tuk were walking in front while Neteyam, Kiri, Tsireya and Loak walked behind. "You look really pretty mama." Tuk complimented with a cute smile on her face.

"Why thank you Ma'Ite." You replied kissing her forehead softly.


The festival was absolutely incredible, you spent the night dancing with Jake, preforming traditional Metkayina dances with other villagers, eating food. You had the time of your life. Oh and did I mention that you and Jake are officially mated? Yup that's right, you and Jake escaped from the festival and explored the forest part of the village, and it went on from there. What you were scared of though was what your father will think of your relationship with Jake, you didn't know how he'd react to you mating with Jake. The both of you decided to keep it between you two for now, until you were ready to tell your parents. Being with Jake has changed your life completely, you have a family now, blessed with beautiful children, and an incredible mate, your a mother now, it's all you've ever wanted in life, and now you finally have it. Meeting Jake was the best thing that has happened in your life. It seems that Eywa really did give you wanted you've always wanted. There's nothing more you could ask for.

Ma'Itan - My son
Ma'Ite - My daughter

Chapter 6 is completed!!! How do you guys feel about being officially mated with Jake?! :))) 💕💕

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