Nikolai In Stalingrad

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August 21, 1942

Our general told my lieutenant and us that we will get the great honor of fighting to protect Stalingrad from the Nazi Filth. I do not think its such an honor, but I keep telling myself it will be fine.

August 22, 1942

we have just been woken up incredibly early. i'm only still half awake, i'm stumbling all over the place, and i'm incredibly wobbly. I sit in the truck waiting for this nightmare to begin, but I'm also excited, for I will soon be killing the Nazi filth.

August 23, 1942

IT IS NOT ALL GOOD. we are being shot at as I write this, bombs explode all around, bullets are whizzing by my head. As I right now I'm sitting in a puddle of my own filth am being shouted at to pick up my damn gun and shoot the god damn thing.

August 24, 1942

my god I think I just saw a Panzer, I shall report it when I'm safe. it has been at least 4 hours since I reported it he said 'you're just seeing things'.

December 27, 1942

I have to have shot at least 40 or more Nazis. But my whole team has...died... But I'm fine I will be.

January 27, 1942

my friend have just died. I'm the only one left. I Will Kill all the God Damn Dirty Nazis for Once and for all. 

February 1, 1942

I-i-i cant do it any more I quit I am leaving the journal here so if you're reading this then you found my journal good for you and good bye.


-this is not real but Stalingrad is and I hope this story may be a real experience thank you to all the people who lost their lives at Stalingrad-

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