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"Don't be out too late, Helena!"

"I won't, mom!"

Oh how tragic last words are, especially when one is completely clueless.
Helena Eldenwood was only eight years of age when this tragedy happened, however her story lasted much longer than eight years. This story will last for generations to come. She hadn't had the time to earn much rememberance, but there is one little boy who will remember her forever.

The night Helena went missing was a night many would remember for the rest of their lives. She was having a lovely stroll that day, and to many regrets, was left unsupervised. This one mistake would lead to catastrophe all around Havamon. Helena's bright and dandy stroll had come to an end when a notorious serial killer had come in her way.

He was tall and covered in scars. His blond hair was curly and side-swept, and looked quite cared for. His eyes, blue, though the soft color did not bring comfort to little Helena. They looked thirsty and longing for blood, as if they could pull you in and trap you with their nasty gaze. His smile grew, getting more crooked and creepy by the second. Helena was petrified with fear. Had she known who he was, maybe she would have run, but it was too late to make such a decision.

The man pulled the helpless girl into an alleyway, pulling a knife from his belt as he does so. Helena let out a deafening scream, but was silenced by the man's hand instantly. He slashed her across the stomach and began to drag her down the alleyway like a lion who had caught himself a gazelle.

The man brought the squirming girl to the end of the alleyway to a latch. This latch would lead them back to his base, where he would bring the little girl unimaginable pain before bringing an end to Helena's short little life. But once the man was about to open this latch, he heard the snap of a twig. Normally, when you hear someone watching you while you commit a crime, it is a snitch, or spy, or someone who can do something to stop you unless you stop them first. Because of this, the man flung his head around to catch this spy, but instead saw nothing but a little boy. Helpless. Weak. And most of all, scared.

The sudden acknowledgement coming from the stranger made the boy even more fearful, causing him to run once the man turned his head. The man laughed to himself as he watched the child helplessly run his legs out, and opened the latch to drag in the terrified little girl without another thought. Who would believe a child's word anyways? You'd have to be an under fool to do so. And luckily, this city was full of people who do not want to be fools.

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