Chapter 7

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YOU WERE IN Jake's hut cutting up some vegetables for the soup that you're making

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YOU WERE IN Jake's hut cutting up some vegetables for the soup that you're making. You and Jake were laughing at an inside joke he made. Its been raining all daylong so you decided to make a warm soup for everyone. You've officially moved into the Sully's mauri after mating with Jake. Tonowari was so happy for you and Jake when you spilled the news, you were so elated that he accepted you and Jake together.

As you were adding the vegetables to the pot, you heard footsteps outside of the mauri. You and Jake looked up to see Tonowari, but he had as sorrowful look on his face. Your smile dropped. Jake got up from the floor and approached Tonowari.

"What is it?" Jake asked with worry. There was a moment of silence before Tonowari spoke. "Sky People. They're looking for you Jake Sully. South. They have a human boy who speaks Na'vi." Tonowari replied with frustration.

Your heart sank, and your ears dropped. You felt empty. Jake told you about Quaritch and that he was still looking for him, but you didn't think that he'd go this far. You held onto Jake's arm, seeking his comfort. He held you by the waist, pulling you closer. "Did they kill anybody?" Jake asked as his voice cracked. "Not yet." Tonowari replied as he turned to look at you and Jake.

"They threaten, but the villagers will not tell them where you are by my order." Tonowari continued, looking out into the sea. Jake looked down as his ears dropped. Soon Tonowari left after delivering the news, leaving you and Jake in total silence. You walked back inside the hut, you continued to cut more vegetables in a harsh manner, you were scared for your people, for your family. "We must hunt this demon, trap him, kill him!" You exclaimed as you looked up at Jake with teary eyes.

"I know, but we gotta be smart baby. If we hit them they'll know where we are and they'll come straight to here with no hesitation." Jake replied sighing. You closed your eyes as more tears began to fall. Jake notice this and he pulled you in for a warm embrace. "Shhh, it's okay baby. Everything's going to be okay." He cooed in your ear softly. You nuzzled your head into his neck as more tears fell. You had this feeling in your gut that something terrible was going to happen, you didn't want this to escalate.


Two days had pasted since Tonowari told you and Jake about the Sky People. You were in your hut braiding Neteyams hair. Loak was in his hammock fiddling with his bracelet, Kiri was weaving a top and Tuk was making a necklace with some shells and diamonds. "Mom when can we go out, I'm so bored." Loak said as he groaned. Ever since your father told you the news about the Sky People you didn't want your kids out of the mauri for too long, you just didn't want any harm to come towards your kids.

"I'll let you guys go out in a bit my son, I'm not risking anything." You replied softly. Loak sighed as he turned the other way, his back facing the wall. "Mom can you tighten my braids a little bit more please?" Neteyam asked in his gentle voice. "Of course Ma'Itan." You replied smiling.

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