Chapter 1

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    "FREEZE!". The man raises his hands as multiple guns point at him. Immediately tears began falling from his eyes. A young girl is tied up to a computer chair in the corner screaming through the bandana. All eyes are focused on the crying suspect while he holds a knife in hand.
    "What's going on?!" An elderly Hispanic woman,a neighbor, asks. "Who is that girl?!"
    "Ma'am, I'm gonna get you out of here for your safety." An officer said, escorting the woman out the apartment.
    "Omar Santana, you are-" Before Luke could finish his statement, the husky man made a run for the window.
"He's running!" Another officer yells. Immediately Luke follows him onto the fire escape; chasing him down. Down the fire escape and down the busy streets. People getting shoved and knocked over as the chase pursues. Cars forcefully coming to a stop and their horns beeping.
    Omar turns down an alleyway; not aware of the brick wall that brings the chase to an end. "Shit" he curses.
" Omar Santana, You're under arrest for kidnapping and attempted murder of Marci Delgado!" Luke says, slamming the suspect against the wall. He reaches for his handcuffs with one arm as the other pins Omar."You have the right to-"
"The devil made me do it!" He cries out, "I just wanted my mom to feel better. I didn't want to do it!"
"You have the right to remain silent!" Luke repeats. "Anything you say can be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney; if you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you." Cruisers begin to arrive, and Omar is placed in the back of a cruiser.
"Good work partner," Marcus says, as he gave him a pat on his back.
Luke smiles, "Thanks, you too." He says, before watching the cruiser drive away. "How's the victim?"
"She's currently on her way to the hospital to get examined. I'm actually gonna head over there to check on her."
"I'll meet you back at the station?" Marcus gives his partner a nod before heading to his car, Luke sighs. After countless dead ends, they can finally close the case.
He makes his way up to the small apartment. The place is in disarray . Glass debris covered the wooden floors and blood smeared on the furniture. The forensic team was all over the scene.
"Found the weapon!"
Luke reaches in his pocket for a glove before walking over. He takes the blade and looks at it. It was just a regular kitchen knife with blood splattered on it. "Bag it and send it to the lab. We can see if that weapon matches any of the other murders."
"She definitely fought for her life." An officer comments.
"Hopefully we can finally put him behind bars."
Luke starts his drive back to the station. For the past 2-3 months, there has been a string of murders happening in the city of Chicago. No specific targets or patterns to identify a motive; just random killings. Luke and Marcus grew frustrated with the lack of leads and evidence. Today's win is something they needed.
    When he arrives, he's greeted with cheers and applause from his peers. "Good job!" The sergeant says.
    "Thank you, I really appreciate it." He says taking a seat at his desk.
    "Your suspect is in interrogation room 2" The arresting officer says
    "Thanks, I'll head over there in a minute." Luke grabs the case files along with the murder weapon. He makes his way down the long hallway then opens the interrogation door. All he needs to close the case is a confession.
    "You have to believe me, I didn't want to do this!" Omar cries out. His shirt stretched out and hair disheveled from the arrest. Blood slowly dropped down his face from the cut on his brow.
Luke takes a seat across from the suspect, "Mr Santana, I need you to calm down." He says, placing the file on the table. "Now tell me what happened."
Omar sighs, "I thought this was the only way my mom would be okay. If I had known-"
"Known what?"
He looks at the detective before quickly shaking his head, "They're gonna come. I'm not safe!"
Luke raises a brow in confusion, "who's coming? Why aren't you safe?"
"The devil!" Omar reaches over the table and grabs Lukel's shirt. "You've got to get me out of here! I can't stay here!"
The door bursts open with two cops rushing in. They pin the hysterical man to the table. "Mr. Santana-"
"They're gonna kill me!" He screams. "Save me!"
Luke shakes his head, "Put him in the cell. Once you sober up Omar, we can talk."
The two cops nod.
"No! You have to help me!" Omar says, as he's pulled away. "Help me please!" Luke shakes his head as he gathers his things. It definitely wasn't going to be an easy interrogation.
    "Sheesh" Marcus says, peeping his head into the room.
    Luke sighs, "I didn't think it would be easy but definitely wasn't expecting that." He made his way out of the room.
"I got a chance to speak with the victim; honestly she's shaken up.."
"What did she say?" He asks.
    His partner sighs, "She was on her way home from having lunch with friends. Once she opened her apartment door, he attacked her. If it wasn't for her neighbor, she probably would've been dead." He answers. "Did he say anything?"
    "He said someone was gonna kill him and we needed to help him."
    Marcus raises a brow in confusion, "Did he say who?"
    Luke shrugs before taking a seat at his desk, "I honestly think he's on some kind of drug. I'm gonna try again in the morning once he's sobered up a little."
    "His DNA is currently being compared to the DNA found at the other scenes. Hopefully it's a match and we can finally close this case."
    "He has a clean record though," Luke says, leaning back in his seat. "What could've made him snap like that?"
Marcus shrugs, "People snap all the time." He said, "Maybe the pressure of taking care of his mom got to him?"
    "I think he has a partner. Not all of the victims were stabbed. Some were strangled and two were shot."
    "We just have to find the gun." Marcus said, taking a sip of his water. "What time is it?"
    Marcus curses under his breath, "I need to start getting ready. I think tonight is the night I propose to Kara." Omar looks at his friend in shock.
Luke shrugs, "Never thought I'd see you settle down. I'm happy for you man."
    "Thank you! I just hope she likes the ring I picked out." Marcus reaches for his backpack. "I'll let you know tomorrow how everything went."
    "Good luck." Luke watches as his friend walks to the elevator. Why would a guy with a clean record all of sudden kill? Why these people? Who was gonna kill him? Was this all a murder-for-hire? So many questions flood his mind as he looked over the paperwork. He had to wait before he could get any of the answers.
    Luke lets out one last sigh before gathering his things and heading out the station.

"Daddy's home!" A small voice yells from across the living room. A little girl comes running into Luke's arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
    "Hello princess." He greets, returning the embrace. "How was your day?"
    "We can talk about our days over dinner. I just finished." Maddie said, placing the main course onto the dining room table. "Darren! Elijah! Dinner is ready! Miss Ellie you too."
Luke walks over to the table and places his youngest into her usual chair. He walks over to his wife, "Smells good." He said before giving his wife a small peck on her lips.
"That's gross." His eldest said, quickly taking his seat at the table.
    "Hey dad," Elijah greets taking a seat at the table.
    "How was everyone's day? Did everyone have a good day at school?" Luke asks, taking a seat at the head of the table.
    "I got an A on my math test." Darren said, taking a bite of his chicken.
    "That's great!"
    "See, Told you you would pass." Luke leans over to give him a high five.
    "I got to be the line leader today." Ellie said in excitement.
    "That's awesome El"
    "Dad are you still coming to career day?" Elijah asks.    
    Luke nods, "I wouldn't miss it." He said, taking a bite of his food.
    After the family finished their dinner, the children went up the stairs for their nightly routine. "We might've finally had a break in the case. We arrested someone."
    Maddie looks up from the dishes, "That's great news. Did you figure out why he did it?"
    He shook his head, "He freaked out and claimed someone was gonna kill him."
    "Kill him?" She raises her brow in confusion.
    "I have no clue but he's the safest he'll ever be. Someone is gonna stay and watch him."
    Maddie smiles, "Look at my husband, catching criminals." She said, pulling him in for a kiss.
    Luke smiles, "I'll finish the dishes and get the kids to bed. Why don't you go upstairs and relax."
    "You sure? I can-"
    "Madison, I've got this." Luke reaches for the bottle of rose then grabs a glass from the cupboard. "Take this upstairs and relax." He pours his wife the glass of wine and hands it to her.
    Maddie smiles, "I love you." She gives him one last kiss before leaving him by himself in the kitchen.
    Luke couldn't help but smile. That was the effect that Maddie had on him, and it had been that way since they were teenagers. He would do anything for her and his kids. His thoughts immediately went back to Omar. Why was he gonna kill that girl? I thought this would be the only way my mom would be okay'; What was the only way?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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