Chapter 1 cold

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There is nothing quite as beautiful as the sight of freshly fallen snow, and the sight of a red pulse of colour beating its way across an autumn leaf.

There is nothing quite as warm as the rase of the sun or as cold as the ice which stops the river from flowing, although this is the way it is without the sun the ice would mean nothing and without the ice the sun would mean nothing. Life taught me these lessons, not ice and snow, cold hard life, and the reality of our world and what we are.

My name is Amy Forksgower, and I'm a witch. Life's been fairly simple since we got home from our last ordeal, I'll never forget the way the church burnt in the moonlight, the police and the moment Dad managed to talk our way out of it, how he managed to convince them that Fred was fine although he looked almost dead, witchcraft is a powerful tool 😈, the way we managed to make our way home that night, and the way being home felt, pour joy, and the way everything managed to eventually go back to normal, well despite Jake being a vampire that is.

I'll never forget the relief I felt the following morning when I saw Gregs face and the hug we shared, or the relief I felt when we went back to collage not long later, somehow I was happy to be back there 😂.

And this passed year and a few months has been nothing shy of happy, wonderful, great! And in some ways normal, we have somehow managed to live normal lives. That is...

Until now.

I think our trouble started ruffly 3 months ago although it seems it has been brewing for a lot longer.

I don't think I'll ever forget the smile I must of had when dad mentioned that he had to go out, or the cold night and evening sky as I walked through the village to meet Greg. Our little romance has been going well, this makes me smile, because I realise how much I wanted this in my life although I didn't notice before things began to happen between us. I'll never forget looking up at the sky as I waited in the cold grass, or him poking my shoulder and making me jump, or the walk we took though the woods.

It's freezing, do you want my Jacket? He asked, nah I'll be alright, it's gorgeous out tonight I kinda expected the whether to be really shit 😂 he laughed, yeah me too 😂 its a clear night though, dad always used to say that the witches of our yesterday would use the sky to learn, to tell their children tales of right and wrong, and they would use astronomy to gain wisdom, Amy you know I'm trying to get into all of that crap but I'm too thick for that 😂 shut up your not! He tripped over on a tree root which was sticking out of the ground, oh shit! He muttered 😂 he gets up and kisses me, we are surrounded by trees and darkness, are you ok? I ask, grazed my knee but I'll live, he put his arm around me to keep me warm as we walked, along side offering me his jacket again. We came to a clearing and laid to look at the sky on the grass. Your quiet tonight, I say, hum? Oh sorry baby, just got a lot on my mind, what with preparing for full moon and all, oh god, feels like only yesterday you had the last one, I mentioned, he laughs, yeah it all merges to one for me now.

Do you have everything ready? Yep well you know as ready as it needs to be I don't have to get my bag packed and things for another day or so, have your parents still showed no sign of working it all out yet? I ask, no, well at this point I think they are turning a blind eye, I mean Moana managed to work it out they are supposed to be professionals, he puts his arm around me as we lit a camp fire and looked up at the sky, I guess it would be hard, finding out your kid is a monster, the kind that you have believed in killing your whole life, he said sounding serious, your their son, I doubt they would harm you, we kissed, well you don't know them the way I do baby, he giggled as I laid on the cold ground, we continued to kiss.

They seem nice, you barely know them, he laughed, I rested a hand on his cheek, it's the rules, it doesn't matter who they are to you if they are mythical creatures they must be killed, I can't risk it, I smiled, you worry to much, he grind and said, you turn me on to much, we start to make out this time undisturbed by our conversation.

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