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The Grand Prix Final was the most prestigious event of the figure skating season, with the best skaters from around the world gathering to compete. Sophia took a deep breath as she laced up her skates, trying to calm her nerves. This was her first time at the Grand Prix Final after years of hard work and sacrifice.

As she stepped out onto the ice for her warm-up, the chill of the rink sent a shiver down her spine. She had arrived two days earlier to get accustomed to the arena and time zone before the Grand Prix Final kicked off. As she glided slowly around the rink, feeling the smooth glide of her blades against the ice, she couldn't help but gaze around in awe. This was the biggest stage of her career so far. The area towered above her, row after row of empty seats awaiting the thousands of fans who would soon fill them.

For now, she had the ice mostly to herself, with just a few other skaters doing practice runs. Sophia tried to block out the other skaters and their routines. She needed to concentrate, to get a feel for this new rink before the pressures of competition descended. As she got more comfortable, she began to make different figures and spins, her body remembering the endless hours of practice.

With each stroke, each sequence, she could feel the tension leaving her body. This was her happy place, the one place where all her worries melted away. As she landed a perfect double axel, a faint smile crept across her face. She was ready.

After running through her programs, Sophia's coach called out, "Looking great! One more day of practice, then it's showtime!"

Sophia nodded at her coach's words, gliding over to take a short break. One more day to soak it all in before the bright lights shined on her. She gulped down some water, trying to keep her mind from racing too far ahead.

As she scanned the rink one more time, another skater caught her eye. It was Elena, one half of the renowned Russian pairs team. Sophia had seen her skate many times, admiring her grace and athleticism. But seeing her in person took Sophia's breath away. Elena was even more stunning up close, her movements effortless.

The sleek blonde was going through her program, hitting each element with practiced ease. Sophia couldn't tear her eyes away as Elena flowed across the ice, her moves graceful and refined.

Elena's partner Vladimir glided up behind her, and the pair seamlessly transitioned into their pairs routine. As Vladimir lifted Elena high above his head in a twist, Sophia's jaw dropped. She had seen the duo perform countless times on television, but seeing it in person was something else entirely. As Vladimir caught Elena and they struck their final pose, Sophia couldn't help but hold her breath in awe.

Then, as if she could feel someone watching her, Elena's eyes suddenly met Sophia's from across the rink. Time seemed to slow as their gazes locked, Elena's piercing blue eyes fixed on Sophia with an intense, smoldering look that sent a jolt through her body.

Sophia felt her breath catch in her throat, suddenly flustered under the weight of Elena's gaze. She couldn't tell if the Russian skater's look contained a hint of curiosity as to who had been observing her so intently. Or if the intensity was simply Elena by nature, as if she couldn't fully douse the flames she commanded on the ice.

Just as quickly as the connection sparked, it was gone. Elena broke away, gliding off the ice alongside Vladimir without a second look back. Though Elena's expression remained focused and inscrutable as she exited the rink, Sophia could have sworn she saw the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of the Russian's lips. As if Elena took some silent amusement or satisfaction from flustering Sophia, if only for a moment.

Get it together, she chided herself. You have to skate your best today. Refocused, Sophia pushed off the boards to continue her practice.

As she glided into her opening pose, she took a calming breath, centering herself as the music began. Whatever had passed between Elena and her, she couldn't allow it to rattle her now. Today was just practice, but she needed to focus for tomorrow. With the first chords hit, Sophia moved across the ice. As she built speed, the outside world seemed to melt away. There was only her and the ice and she moved about from choreo to spins.

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