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I don't rhyme,

But I will just this time.

I'm not one to whine,

But I think I'm slowly losing my mind.

I hate myself,

And I love myself.

I want to stay,

And I want to run away.

I want to talk,

And I want to be quiet.

I want to be alone,

But I don't want to be lonely.

I want you to know,

And I don't want to tell you.

I want to let it all out,

And I want to keep it all to myself.

I want friends,

But I don't want to spend time with people.

I want to scream at the top of my lungs,

But then they'll know I'm crazy.

I don't want to grow up,

And I want to be on my own.

I keep waiting for a sign,

But I'm scared of the answer.

I want you to understand me,

But I want to be the unsolved mystery.

I want it to be like before,

And I don't want anything to change.

And I don't ryhme,

But I will just this time.

I'm not one to whine,

But I think I'm slowly. Losing. My. Mind.

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