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The man was hunched over my piggy bank that I have had since I was three.

I always put spare money in there.

I stepped into the kitchen, holding the knife high.

"I would advise you to drop the knife if you want to keep your life." The man said.

I stopped.

"Get out." I said, making out like I wasn't scared at all.

"Drop. The. Knife." He said, turning around.

He was holding a gun.

The knife dropped to the floor without me realising.

"The police are on their way. So I advise you to get out whilst you still can." I said quietly.

"Yeah, right." He replied. I shrieked in fury. Surprised at myself, I launched myself at the man.

He was strong and grabbed my neck, forcing me to the floor. I did a kip up surprising him.

I grabbed a broom and started repeatedly hitting him across the head.

He grabbed the broom and yanked it out of my hands.

I ran over to the light switch, turning it off. The room went into complete darkness.

I jumped out of my skin as I heard a shot.

I fell to the floor and lay flat as shots started fireing around. I covered my ears and cried.

I heard one whistle past my head. Then I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I screamed in agony just as the front door burst open.

"Surrender, now it's the police!" A lady said, and I heard her running in and the light switching on.

I rolled onto my back and stood myself up. Ignoring the pain in my leg. I grabbed the broom and ran at the man tackling him to the ground.

I looked up at the police lady. She stood there in shock but quickly regained herself and ran over.

She knelt down and handcuffed the man. More police ran in and picked him up.

The lady turned to me.

"That was a very brave thing to do, young lady. You risked your life. You are very lucky you didn't get hit." She said calmly.

"I think I did." I said, and I showed her the back of my leg. I heard her, and she quickly picked up her walkie-talkie.

She shouted commands and then put it down.

"Sweetie, can you stand?" She asked. I stood up, and my face contorted into pain.

"When did you get hit?" She asked.

"Just before you came in." I replied and pointed over to the blood.

Her eyes widened, she sat me down and waited with me for the ambulance.

"When are your parents coming home?" She questioned.

"I'm not sure." I answered.

"You are very strong." She said. I just nodded and hoped the paramedics would arrive soon.

I jeard the sirens and more footsteps running in.

They put me on a stretcher, and I went in the ambulance. The police lady never left my side, and I was grateful.

I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. My parents were by my side, and my leg was in a cast.

My mum silently handed me my phone, and I saw a bunch of missed calls from Salish.

I texted her that I was alright and she said that she would visit me.

I looked at the news and saw that I was in it.

A house was broken into around five o'clock late last evening. A teenage girl was home alone, and she called the police at ten past five, claiming that someone was in her house and she needed help. Her phone died, and the police were left confused as to whether it was a prank or not. They had her location that she had smartly sent to them. The police turned up, and an officer that came in said she saw the girl lying on the floor but didn't see the blood. Before she could do anything, the brave girl tackled the dangerous man to the floor. The police have him in custody, and the girl is in hospital recovering from a bullet to the leg. The policewoman refused to say anything else except that she hoped the girl would be okay and she couldn't wait to visit her in hospital.

I smiled and turned off my phone.

"When can I go home?" I asked my mum.

"When the doctors say." She replied, rubbing my arm gently.

My dad went off to get me some burger King, but I only ate a fry and drank my coke.

A little while later, Salish came with Jordan, and he talked to my parents quietly whilst Salish came over to me.

We talked about gymnastics and how I couldn't do it for a month.

Then she left, and I fell asleep hoping that I could go home soon.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now