❤️ 43 ❤️

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Third person pov
After photoshoot.

"Mr. Jeon can we have a talk?" Yoongi asked. Jimin smiled and nodded. They went to jimin's cabin and made themselves comfortable on the seats.

"Yes Mr. Min what do you wanna talk?"

"Mr. Jeon can you call me yoongi please"

"Only if you call me jimin"

Yoongi laughed slightly and nodded.

"Jimin It's about Mr. Kim I mean Mr. Kim taehyung"  yoongi said making jimin to tilt his head in curiosity.

"Yes what about him?"

"What he is to you? I mean is he your relative or something?"

"No yoongi he is my bestest best friend, but why are you asking this suddenly?."

"Nothing jimin, I just want to know that's it"

"Okay then"

"Why he came here today. To meet you causally or anything special " yoongi asked further.

'why he is so curious about tae?

"Why you want to know this suddenly?" Jimin asked cautiously.

"No jimin, I just wa-want to know. But if you don't feel like telling it's okay"

"He came here to invite me for his hospital opening ceremony tomorrow"

"Ohh that's nice " yoongi said smiling. Jimin too smiled at him. But then yoongi started fidgeting his finger which didn't go unnoticed by Jimin who eyed him keenly.

"Do you want to say something?" Jimin asked.

"Huh..n-no" yoongi shuttered looking down.

"Don't hesitate, you can ask anything" jimin assured. Yoongi slowly looked up at jimin before gulping.

"Jimin, Can I join you too for Mr. Kim hospital opening ceremony" yoongi asked nervously. Jimin laughed at the omega's cuteness.

"Of course yoongi you can join. My tae won't mind. He will always welcome everyone even if it is his arc-enemy. That much kind-hearted alpha he is" jimin said with soft smile but didn't notice the change in expression of the omega sitting in front of him who felt uneasy when jimin said 'my tae'.

"Okay then jimin, will meet you tomorrow in the ceremony." Yoongi said getting up. Jimin nodded as yoongi left.

In jikook mansion:-
In jikook room

"Taehyung has invited me for his hospital opening ceremony. He said he already invited you, so tomorrow you take off for the work and get ready let's go together to venue" jungkook said while struggling to iron his shirt. Well the great ceo loves the shirt only when his mother ironed it. But now as his mother is not here, he has to do it by himself which is difficult for him as he never done such thing before.

Jimin just hummed without taking his attention from the files he is going through while adjusting his glass. Jungkook secretly took too many glances at the omega who had a serious expression with a pout and frown on his beautiful face. Jungkook can't help but get slowly drawn towards the beauty. When he was busy admiring the omega he suddenly smelt some burning smell, jungkook sniffed confusingly before looking down and got shocked.

"Omg!!!" He yelled before switching off the iron machine. Jimin got startled and looked up just to see the alpha's shirt which had a big hole on it. Jungkook groaned in frustration while creasing his forehead.

'you deserve this you asshole!' jimin thought and shrugged off his shoulder before continuing his work.

"It's my favourite shirt!!" Jungkook mumbled sulkingly and looked at the omega who is sitting like he didn't even witness anything.

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