23. "I knew it."

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"I GOT THESE FROM PERCY." Grover responded, panting as they were near the ditch.

"Luke." Percy said. "Luke gave those to me before I left." He said before Him and Grover tried to calm down.

"I knew it.." Erika mumbled to herself as Percy heard a clank from the bag that Ares gave.

"What was that?" Grover asked, looking at him.

Percy unzipped his bag as Erika's eyes widened, He had the masterbolt? That was the bag that they had from Ares.

"Is this--"


"I mean, it looks like--"

"It absolutely is not."

"Okay. What is it then?" Percy asked, looking at Grover and Erika.

"Yeah, that's the master bolt-" Grover responded. "How is it in your bag?"

"This isn't our bag. This is the bag that my dad gave us." Erika said, looking at Grover. "My dad had the master bolt this entire time and tricked us." She added as she realised that information. She felt betrayed, but of course, "Betrayal works in the family."

"He was working with Hades?" Grover asked, looking at the brunette.

"I guess so." The blonde boy responded, looking at Grover. Erika found herself holding her pendant again.

"I mean... That was it, right? That's the quest." Grover said, looking at the blondie boy.

"Zeus is expecting us to return this." Grover added, looking at the bolt in the blonde seaweed brain's hands. The three looked at the Palace.

"Zeus is just gonna have to wait." Erika said as she stood up and looked at the blonde. "Let's go get your mom." She added, looking at him.

Percy looked back at the two before he got up and they began their way to the palace again. Erika just kept her head low, the thought of her father betraying her was killing her.

After few minutes, They finally entered Hades's palace, she looked around, the palace seemed creepy and cool at the same time. They somehow got to the second floor while looking around.

"Is this our stop, or.." Grover said softly before there were footsteps approaching them.

"Hey, fellas. Welcome!" Hades said with a smile as he walked upto the three. "Sorry about all the.. Oh... Anyways, it's great to meet you. I know who you are, and you know who I am, so we can just skip right past that part. Can I get you anything? Fresh pomegranate just, a snack?"

"My mother." Percy said, going straight to the point.

"Boom. Straight to business. I admire the cut of your jib. Little nautical reference for you. I see you." Hades added.

"Where is she?" Percy asked, looking back at the man.

"Right. Okey-doke." Hades said, "Let's get to it. Your mom's just over here." Hades said before he turned around and started walking away, Erika and the boys followed him. "You've come all this way, don't be shy."

Erika froze when she saw that statue- thing. Whatever that was. That was Percy's mother. She felt bad for Percy.

"Mom?" He said, looking at the gold statue next to Hades. "What did you do to her?" Percy asked, looking at the god of the Underworld.

"Uh," Hades scoffed. "Saved her life? You know, typically, getting crushed by a Minotaur is a terminal diagnosis. I snagged her for ya, just in the 'ta-da' nick of time, so that you would come see me. And here we are. You give me what you got and I'm giving you what I got."

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now