Chapter 6 | Be loyal

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"Mary!" Lucy jumped on her and hugged her. "Tell me everything that happened yesterday!"

Mary giggled and said:

"Well... It was pretty decent. He's not as scary as it seems."

Lucy sat down in her seat and Mary did the same.

"Amelia also liked him. I would even say he was her role model" Lucy took out a mascara and a little mirror out of her pencil case. Mary laid down on the desk.

"Do you think he really did this to Amelia?"

Lucy froze.

"Who else? Girl, you fell for him or what?!"

Mary got upset.

"I didn't! It's just that he was nice. I thought for a second that he's innocent..."

Lucy rolled her eyes.

"He really is a manipulator. You know what? I have something to tell you. I have a sister in Denmark. I'm planning on running away. Do you wanna go with me? You would be safe."

Mary looked at her and sighed.

"Maybe" she thought about Jackson. She would miss him. But at the same time she would be free. After all, they weren't even together so she had no reason to stay. She felt empty and lonely. Lucy noticed it and hugged her.

"Make up your mind in peace. If you want to just gather as much money as you can. You have me, no worries."

Mary nodded. The only relationship she was sure about was with Lucy. Also the idea of life without worrying about Casmid and his intentions was priceless. She would miss her grandma and Jackson though.


After school she was standing in front of the same door as yesterday. She knocked with more energy than last time. The door also opened faster, just like he was standing behind them waiting for her.

"Come in pumpkin and take a seat" he waited till she got in and closed the door. "Wait here and I'll be back to you soon, alright?"

Mary nodded and sat down on the sofa. He went into another room and left the door open. She looked around. It was still spooky there, but way less than yesterday. She took out a book he gave her yesterday and waited. He asked loudly:

"Do you want something to eat or drink?"

"No, thanks" she answered. After a while he entered the living room again. He was holding a kitchen towel and wiping his hands. Today his outfit was much more casual than the last time. A grey t-shirt with a few wet spots and light blue jeans. She liked it. It made him look more human and less like a murderer. He sat down next to her and sighed with relief. His body relaxed and it seemed that he was melting into the sofa. He giggled and looked at Mary.

"I apologise you had to wait, pumpkin" he wrapped his arm around her. "Do you want me to read?"

Mary nodded and put her head on his shoulder. He smiled and started reading. She wasn't focused because she spotted something. He had a very little tattoo on the back of his neck. It was so small it was hard to notice and looked old. She moved her head to look at it closer. Casmid spotted it right away.

"Do you want a hug?"

"No need" she answered.

He put the book away and hugged her anyway. Shockingly, it was nice. He was warm and smelled nice. Mary wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled.

"Oh pumpkin... Don't be afraid of me, I won't eat you."

Mary immediately jumped away from Alexander. He got upset and curious.

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