Chapter 8

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THE CRIES AND rallies of your people grew even louder by the passing second

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THE CRIES AND rallies of your people grew even louder by the passing second. You continued to look desperately between Neteyam and Jake trying to convince the Metkayina to listen to them. Your heart began to race and your breathing got heavier.

Your kids tried their best to comfort you in this situation, not knowing what else to do. You could hear the pleads in Jake's voice, making you want to speak up so badly. Not only were Tonowari and Ronal not listening but none of the villagers were either. They were outraged and frustrated, as they rightfully should, but you wished that they could just take a moment and listen to what was in front of them. Which was Neteyam and Jake speaking their hearts out as much as they could.

"No, you just don't get it. You have to understand how the Sky People think they don't care about the great balance!" Jake pleaded with frustration. After hearing what Jake said one of the warriors in the back spoke up. "We don't answer the Sky People!" Generating even more outrage from everyone else. You sighed as you looked down, tears began to prick at your eyes. It wasn't working, they just wouldn't listen.

"Listen! Listen to my father, he speaks the truth!" Neteyam yelled backing up his dad. As you watched him you smiled proudly at how brave and courageous your oldest son is. "You've gotta tell your Tulkun to leave, tell them to go far away!" Jake added with desperation and anger. "Leave? You live among us and you learn nothing!" Ronal yelled blinded by anger. Jake made his way to stand at the highest point of the area, holding the tracker in his hand, high up in the air for everyone to see. The villagers went silent when they saw the tracker, finally calming down. "You tell the Tulkun that if they're hit by one of these, they're marked for death. Call for me and I'll silence it. Saving their lives is all that matters. Saving your family." Jake announced with soft eyes as he looked at Tonowari and Ronal. The villagers eyes widened in realization. Finally seeing the truth. "Tell the Tulkun." Tonowari spoke as he gave Jake an approving look. "Go! Go! Quick!" Ronal ordered in distress not wanting anything else to happen. Everyone immediately rushed out to warn their spirit brothers and sisters, including you.

"Kids I'll be back, stay together please." You said as you put Tuk down, before giving them kisses on their foreheads. Kiri nodded and brought Tuk close to her. Tsireya nodded as well. Loak hugged you before making his way to the edge of the village where the saddles and handles were held for Ilu's. You assumed he left to go warn Payakan about the Sky People. You called for Tíli swimming as quick as possible to warn Ni'alu.

Once you got to where the Tulkun's were resting, you spotted Ni'alu swimming happily, you smiled at the sight, she's always full of joy. You got off of Tíli and swam over to her. Her eyes widened with excitement upon seeing you. "Sister, I see you. I have terrible news, the Sky People have returned. You must go sister far away." You signed to her with worry.

Her eyes widened with shock and fear. "I see you sister, you have been heard." She replied as she clicked and wailed. You swam closer to her hugging her close. She closed her eyes at your affection howling. You pulled away. "Be safe sister. I love you." You signed to her with soft eyes. "I love you sister, be safe as well." She responded with a sweet wail, before swimming away. After warning Ni'alu you got on top of Tíli and began to swim back to the village, to look for the kids.

Once you spotted Kiri and Tuk, you made your way over to them. "Kiri take your sister out somewhere to play. Keep her distracted. I have to speak with your father." You said holding her by the shoulders gently. She nodded her head at you before leaving with Tuk. You made your way over to Jake, he immediately embraced you in a hug as soon as he saw you. You nuzzled your head into his neck for comfort. He rocked you both side to side softly. "I'm so glad you're safe Ma'Lei, where were you?" He asked as he pulled away, caressing your cheeks softly. "I left to go warn Ni'alu about the Sky People. I'm so sorry for worrying you Ma'Jake." You replied shaking from the coldness of the rain. "It's okay baby, I understand." He replied pecking your lips lovingly. "Ma'Jake...when will we fight back, I can't take this anymore." You said with bravery and determination. "Baby, they're not hunting Tulkun they're hunting me, us, our kids." He replied as he held your hands. You inhaled sharply looking down as you sighed with frustration and anger. Jake lifted your chin up with his index finger, "We're gonna figure something out love, it's going to be alright." He spoke as he pressed your foreheads together. The both of you left to go to your mauri's, you told Jake that Kiri and Tuk were out playing, but what the both of you didn't know was where Neteyam and Loak were. You thought that they'd be back by now.

A couple minutes before, Neteyam saw Loak leaving to go warn Payakan, he grew suspicious of him, so he followed him. He tried to convince Loak to stay in the village not wanting anything to happen to his baby brother. Which caused him and Loak to argue. Lo'ak didn't listen to his older brother and swam away on his ilu to warn Payakan. Upon seeing Tsireya, Rotxo and Aonung, Neteyam told them about Loak leaving. They left to go after him, Neteyam told Kiri and Tuk when he saw them swimming together. They decided to follow Loak along with the others.

Both you and Jake were in your hut carving your knives, when Loak spoke through the comms on Jake's neck. Your ears perked up upon hearing your son's voice. You face grew with worry. "Dad-I mean Devil Dog do you read me?" Loak spoke with desperation. "Yes Loak." Jake replied sternly and tense. "Dad we are with a Tulkun who is under attack! Killer ships inbound, we're at Three Brothers Rocks!" Loak responded through the comms with fear. "Who's with you?" Jake responded growing more worried by the second. "It's all of us! Aonung and Tsireya too!" You gasped, your eyes widened hearing your little sister's name and your brother. Your kids were in danger, your siblings were in danger.

"We're coming do not engage! You hear me? Do not engage!" Jake replied as he looked at you holding your waist. "Yes sir!" Loak spoke. You and Jake immediately rushed to your parents mauri to warn them. "The kids are under attack, they're defending a Tulkun! It's your kids too!" Jake spoke up desperately. Ronal's eyes widened as she gathered her weapons. "The demon ship?" Tonowari asked. "Yes we gotta go!" Jake yelled before you both left to prepare for battle. "Weapons! Sound the alarm!" Tonowari ordered the Metkayina warriors. They yiped and yelled at Tonowari's words, rushing to call for the other warriors to prepare.

Meanwhile the kids were finally able to get the tracker out of Payakan. Payakan swam away after Loak told him to dive. You and Jake gathered your weapons, you looked up at your mate with confidence. The both of you nodded at each other. He placed a soft kiss on your lips. "Be safe Ma'Lei." He spoke up. "You too Ma'Jake." You replied before calling Tíli. Ronal, Tonowari and many other warriors jumped into the water calling for their tsuraks. You were ready to fight for your children, for your people. You knew that your parents were watching over you with pride. You felt so much compassion and determination to fight for your loved ones. You let out a war cry ready to fight for battle. You held onto the saddle of your tsurak tightly, with your weapons on your other hand.

War cry's and yips could be heard from the other warriors. Ronal yipped and screamed ready to fight for her children, for her people, and for Roa, even when pregnant. The kids were all underwater trying to swim and escape away from the submarines. You, Jake, Tonowari, Ronal and all of the Metkayina warriors continued to ride towards where the demon ships were, determined and equipped to defend the ones you loved. War had finally begun, and you were prepared to fight with all your might and courage.

Chapter 8 completed!!! War has begun!!! :))) 💞

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