❤️ 42 ❤️

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Third person pov

"Mom I can't take it anymore, who is this jimin, who do he think he is. How dare that shitface omega can go against you? We should not leave this mom." Iseul ranted walking forth and back in the garden while shre-ya is sitting on the couch sipping her coffee peacefully and listening to whatever her daughter is ranting.

"No one has ever dared to do that mom. I can't tolerate it"

"Iseul, who do you think your mother ua. Do you think I would take those insults easily. No definitely not! I may not be reacted yet. Just waiting for a right moment to screw that delicate doll permanently from this earth. But it's not easy Iseul he is not like other omegas who would dance to our beats. He is a silent killer. But infront of me he is just a proclaim doll. I have seen hundreds like him, let's see how far he will go." Shre-ya said with evil intention.

"What do you mean mom, I can't understand "

Shre-ya chuckled darkly.

"My dear baby, Just wait and watch" she said.

In the night

Jungkook entered inside the mansion looking so exhausted, immediately his eyes searched for certain someone but couldn't find the one.

"Jungkook come son. I was waiting for you. Just fresh and come, I have made you favourite dishes. In the morning even you didn't have your breakfast because of your so called omega. That stupid omega had ruined your mood and made you to starve by his mischievous behaviour. I don't know whether you had your breakfast or not so I made this everything for you. Come on let's eat" shre-ya said. Jungkook felt loved, he was delighted by his mother's flawless affection.

"Thank you mom, but really you don't have to do this. I don't want you to stain yourself." Jungkook said concerned. Jimin came out from the room by the noise and stood near the railing of the upstairs and watched the drama.

"It's not a big deal kookie, if not for you then for whom I will do huh? Just go and fresh up" shre-ya said honestly

"Okay mom. And by the way where is jimin? Did he returned?" Jungkook asked. Shre-ya smile faded away

"Huh yes....yes... (*annoyed voice*) He returned. May be in his room. Always staying inside the room and never coming out keeping himself isolated from others like a newly presented omega"shre-ya said with a scoff. Jimin shook his head with his lips pressed in a thin line.

"What I did to your mother, why she is always quarreling with me?" Jimin asked to hazel who is standing beside him.

"Jimin she is kind of person who thinks themselves as high of everything. She wants everything to go according to her wish. She hate you because you came from the park family." Hazel said. Jimin frowned and looked at hazel in a questioning way.

"Why does she hate our family?"

"Even I myself don't know jimin, definitely there must be a reason. Don't worry we will find it out together"

Jimin just nodded and saw jungkook climbing stairs. Their eyes met, a shiver ran down in jimin's spine by jungkook's intense gaze. This is the first time he is feeling something like this. Jungkook opened his mouth to talk but jimin walked away towards thier room without letting jungkook to speak. Jungkook just smiled at hazel before following jimin to his room.

When he entered the room he saw jimin sitting on the bed with hard face. Jungkook went near the dressing table and removed his coat, tie and wrist watch. He looked at jimin through mirror but the omega is looking somewhere to his disappointment. He then directly made his way inside the bathroom.

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