LIARS: The Origin

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I run intensely. Why? Well nice question. Cause I don't know at all. I hear myself say " NOT AGAIN, NOT AGAIN, NOT AGAIN." I'm running through a dark forest. Full of tall trees. Leaves a dark forest green. Seeing I'm mostly city, the only leaves I've seen was in cabs but as air fresheners. I can't remember a thing. All I remember is running. Wait I'm not moving my body. Why can't I stop? "STOP!" I said frighteningly. I finally have the composure to stop. But why do I feel that it was a grave mistake.
I stop with fear in my heart. I look around with paranoia as I fear someone is either following me or watching me. As I look, I see a woman just standing there. With a hat and a tank top that says "DEATH" upon it. I thought it was a regular punk rocker girl that would usually be around here. But there was something off about her.
Her face was all dark. I can barely see her. She looks like she lost all her sanity. Her hands on head like she's scared and going crazy. I believe she was as she stared to laugh intensely. Her head turned to me. I lost my breath when she did so. She started to whisper. As if two friend was talking during class. I thought she was not alone so I looked around for any remaining people left. If she's alone, then who is she whispering to?
She started to scream "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" , " WHO ARE YOU" and "WHY ARE YOU HERE". I just said "I don't know". She began to walk closer towards me. I was trying to run, believe I was but something was holding me back. Two black figures grabbed my arms and feet. She was counting from 10 backwards. " 10, 9, 8, " For every step she took. " 7, 6, 5," Sweat runs down my face. " 4, 3, 2, 1." Well at least I can make out the face. An exposed skull with rotting flesh almost off. She said these finally words: " LIARS ARE DESPICABLE INSECTS THAT NEED TO BE ERASED. THAT INCLUDES MYSELF." The black figures killed me by ripping off my arms and legs. Then she started to eat my torso. I heard a loud slam.
I woke up. With sweat trickling down my face. But no scream is deserved. I look around to see my same old room. White walls, cross above my bed, a bookshelves and my blue wooden bed. I've been having the same dream for the past week. Same person, Same scene, Same saying. But why does it resemble someone familiar?
"I get up Aquari, we gotta go to school" I say without a remote response to what happened. I seemed lost. In my eyes you can see that I lost the glow I had before I went to sleep last night. I lost every shine, every wonder every hope I had when I went to sleep. It made no sense , I mean how can I lose every part of me because of that one dream. I can't be so weak. It can't be done.
I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Aquari. I live in a small time town in Ohio. I live alone no support no mother or father. No siblings either. I have to fend for myself, but I have no one else to blame but myself . I mean who else is there to blame. My mother died when I was very young, my dad is a deadbeat and nobody is associated with me, so I'm all alone. I go to a high school called Advanced High School for the Gifted. I'm not even that smart to be in the school, but I was given a scholarship to be there because I am great at sports. I usually get B's and lower. But enough about me.
I go through my daily routine in the morning. "Time to wash up, Aquari" I wash myself in cold water, to help me snap back into my usual self. But this time it wouldn't work. I couldn't be nice and jumpy like I used to. I think because the answer to my question is getting closer and I think I'm not going to like it." Time to get dressed, Aquari" I say with emptiness. I put on my regular clothes. A simple white T-shirt with light blue jeans and sneakers. "Now time to eat, Aquari" I say. I heat up a quick breakfast that I made yesterday, knowing what will happen. "Now time to go to school, Aquari."
I leave out the house. Silent, as usual. My town has been quiet since the incident. The incident is a gruesome story that actually included my mother. A group called the "Guardians" came to the town. They were suppose to help protect the town. But instead they took 200 women between the ages of 13 and 49 including my mother. I was 9 at the time so they couldn't take me. We didn't know actually what happened. But all those women was found. All dead, when the police analyze the bodies they found blood and something else. It was predicted that they were raped then beaten to death. We called that the "Women Raid " at the time. But it was to depressing so we call it the incident or "The Raid". Since then I hated liars. I always had a deep hatred for them and that will never stop.
I arrived at AHSG. Immediately I was swarmed with people to ask me about it. First it starts off like " I like your blue and black hair, it really defines you". Or " I like your outfit, it really looks nice". Then it gets personal. I say only one word, "Done?" then I walk away. I always had that cool rebel spunk about me. Which made everyone fall for me. But my heart only belong to one person, Ethan. The glowing emerald-green eyes, the lovely brown flowing hair, the innocent but punk style he wears just sends me over the top. But then look at me. Blue eye at the left and red eye on the right, long blue and black hair that is messy, and a simple outfit. How can I be his girlfriend? Well let me not put myself down because he's coming!
"What's up, Aquari?" he said.
"Oh nothing, just being bombarded." I said as coolly as I could.
"Well I would love to have you hang out with me at lunch today. But just me and you. Nobody else like last time. What do you say?"
In my mind I was like" Woooo-Hoo!" but I had to keep it subtle or I'll be embarrassed and no more Ms. Cool girl.
"Sounds new and fun. Im down." I said with a smirk.
He smiled those lovely white teeth at me that put me under a trance. I had no choice but to smile back. People looked at us like we were someone they never saw before. I didn't mind being stared at, as long as I was with him.
I had to go class. The first thing I had was Algebra, which sucked by the way. I mean most the stuff we are usually learning aren't needed for everyday life. We are just here for the diploma. Then came chemistry. Which I can be partners with my best friend, Lanais. Then comes lunch.
I was smiling so hard when I saw Ethan signal me to come sit over with. I thought he was joking around at first. I sit next to him. I see he stuck to his word because the table is completely deserted.
"I see you're a man who stick to his word." I said.
"Well I expect the same from you, right?" he asked.
"Yeah, like a two way street." I said.
We talk for minutes, until the bell rang for the next class. He went up to me and asked:
"Wanna go out on Tuesday?"
I looked at him with disbelief. I never thought that would pop out his mouth.
"I've like you for a while now and I want you to be mine. From your blue hair down to your white shoes." We both giggled.
I sigh in relief.
"You don't know how long I've liked you. Yes, but don't we have school that day?" I asked.
"We can always skip school." he said.
I nod in agreement. It's set, we are going out! It's like my dreams are coming out to be true. Even my most recent one.
It's finally time for our date. I can't wait for it. I pick out one of my best outfit that take out my personality. A nice white dress with jeans with white shoes, My hair in curls, and a simple pink lip gloss. He waits for me at the door and we are off.
We were near an enterance to the town's woods. I hesitate. It looks exactly the same. To the look down to the smell.
"Why are you freaking out?"he asked curiously.
"It complicated" I said breathing hardly.
"If we going to be dating, you have to be open with me. Tell me."
"I might seem weird."I said.
"If you're weird then I'm dating a complete and total weirdo" he said laughing.
I explained the dream I had for the past week and how I've been feeling unlike myself lately because it. He thought it was pretty weird too.
"That is super weird. Why have you been having that same dream?" he asked.
"Nice question. I wish I can answer it" I said.
"I'm going to make sure you have nice mornings. I'll be there early enough for you to have one, okay?"
"Okay, I have a better date place. Back at my place watch movies." I said.
"Sounds like a plan"he said.
We watched movies all night. We laughed, we cheer, we even cried. Then all I remember wish him falling asleep. I fell asleep with him. I smiled when closed my eyes.
The dreams came back. But this time way different. When she ate my torso she looked at my head. I was still alive. I saw her face. She looked like me. I hear her call my name. But it starts to sound like Ethan's voice.
"WAKE UP, AQUARI!"he screams.
I open my eyes. To see him hugging me. I thought yesterday was the good part of the dream.
"You had me scared. You started to scream 'Not there Ahhh!' and it woke me up. You wasn't kidding when you said it." he said.
"I need help, I really do. It won't stop until something happens."I said crying.
He hugged me. I don't know if his lips said or his actions did but I heard "it's okay, im here". But made me feel secure. Which made me smile.
We got ready and went school. Since he didn't bring any clothes, he had to go to school in the same clothes as before. The good thing is that he went super casual. When people saw us walk in with his arm around me, they went berserk. That asked us a lot of questions. We both responded with a simple word:
They was going crazy. I felt like a full time celebrity. We both smiled and kept moving.
The rest months seemed the same. Same dream, same holding and same paparazzi. It never got boring. I enjoyed every second of it cause he was my remedy to my pain. Until the happiest moment in my life happened right after high school ended.
We walked the town hall all caps and gowns. Happy that we were done. Then Ethan got down on one knee. I was looking stupid in my gown looking down. He pulls out a black box. I started to cry. He opened the box. It was a 24 karat ring.
"Will you marry me?" he asked with hope.
"I will. Yes!" I cried.
He got up and hugged me. Everyone around us clapped and congratulated us. I felt like it was a new beginning for us.
The wedding was excellent. From the cake down to the honeymoon. We danced like we were kids and talked liked we were grown. All of his family was there. I got to meet everyone. I was actually starting to like people in a whole. Its like everything I wanted just came straight for me. I wish my mother could see me and my dad can walk me down the isle.
The next decade, we decided to have children. Ivory, Ebony, and Chris. They were my only kids. I love them. The Guardians left a scar. I can't heal but they are going to do worse.
Ethan said he had a new job. He wouldn't tell me. Every time I asked, he had a painful look in his eyes. I kept wondering what it was. He finally said that he was a construction worker and that he loved me. I thought I finally had some closure. But they day came.
Ethan told me that I needed to face my fear with the dream. So I walked into the woods with him. He told me face the rock so he can outline me. To let me know I did it. I turn around. He started to confess something to me. He said that he had a affair on me. Also that he worked for the Guardians. I turned around. He had a gun pointed at my head.
"You're a liar. One thing I told you I despise. Every single one of you needs to be erased. You're an insect. I'll die, but I won't forgive."
He shot me. In the heart. Where it hurt the most. Then to my legs. Then my arms. Then it came down to one thing, my head. He shot that twice. I manage to make out a sentence "I hope you die". I died. But something weird happened. I got up right in front of him. He set my head on fire and ran. My face melted. Nobody was able to tell who I was. I knew better than to go back. I stayed. Hoping he would come back. He never did. I still have I still hope. I will kill every person to find him.
I guess that's what the dream means. I was too naive to notice my danger. I will never have a chance to save myself. But I'll have a chance to get revenge. I hate insects.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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