luffy isn't so innocent

448 8 16

(That same day)
Your p.o.v
Nami commended us to set sail  to sea to the next island. After I was done helping I stood there staring at the sea until I felt a tug on my pants leg I looked down to see chopper wanting something. "Yes chopper?" I asked sweetly bending down to his level

"y/n...could you maybe help me clean out trash from my doctor's office? I want to reorganize it too" chopper asked with a pouty face "yeah of course" I said patting chopper head then followed chopper to his doctors office

I was half way through reorganize chopper medicine and papers. Iv already cleaned up here it was pretty clean to begin with already.

While moving his medicines while sitting on the floor I heard chopper telling me he's going to ask nami for more papers. "Okay" I said hoping he heard me then I continued to organize.

I then hear foot steps after couple of minutes later and expected chopper to be there. "Hey chopper where do you want your papers at?" I asked not looking who came in.

"I'm not sure...I'm not chopper" I heard my boyfriend say witch made me jump thinking he was chopper that walked in. "Oh l-u-ffy I thought you were chopper sorry" I said feeling little  sweat going down side of my face.

I continue reorganize chopper's stuff luffy walks over and sat down next to me on the floor. "Can I help" luffy asked curious "hmm maybe you can match the colors of each medicine into groups" I said while showing him the bottles

"Just match to whatever color is the closest got it?" I asked luffy making sure he understood. He nodded in excitement then started matching the colors. "y/n in return of helping you with chopper! Can we play hide in seek" luffy asked matching the colors.

I smiled at him "sure luffy we can ask chopper and usopp if they want to play with us to" I said happily. After mentioning usopp and chopper's names luffy got quite for a second.
"Can it just be us y/n?" luffy asked I shurg my shoulders "sure" I said which made him have a smile on his face.

After sorting things out and replacing things I was finally finished with luffy. Chopper came in telling me and luffy what took him so long to get papers it was nami she wanted him to pay for it witch made me giggle.

All of sudden luffy grabs my waist and  yells out "y/n come on let's play" while dragging me out. "Talk to you later chopper" I said before I was fully out of his sight. Luffy started to counting while I was trying to find a hiding place after a few seconds I race up the crows nest.

I saw zoro weights and decided to hide behind them. I would blend in good because it's really dark out. After a couple minutes I heard the latch open and luffy starts calling out my name but I stayed silent hiding behind zoro weights.

I could hear luffy walking around and getting closer to me. My heart was beating  faster the closer he got. I then felt someone behind me and I turned around and jump a bit.

Luffy started laughing at my reaction. "Found you" luffy squeaked out trying to catch his breath. I giggled at him after a few seconds I started to stand up but before I could stand luffy pulled me onto his lap and now I was sitting on his lap.

"L-Luffy?" I asked  nervous coming out of my voice  he has his arms on my legs moving his hands slowly up my hips. He then slowly nuzzles my neck with his nose.

His hands start to make there way up my shirt he then starts to kiss my neck. I became in shock that I was blushing ten times different shades of red I couldn't move luffy continues to kiss down on my neck and once he found my sweet spot I started to moan softly luffy grins against my neck.
But he continues to suck on it.

"L-Luffy.. w-what are you doing?" I asked not making eye contact with him. He hums in response then continues to suck on my neck. My heart begins to race as luffy continues to do what he's doing.

I gather enough courage to stop luffy.
"Luffy stop what are you doing and where did you learn this stuff from?" I asked turning my body around still sitting in his lap locking my eyes with his.

"Oh while you were in the bathroom today I waited for you outside and I saw this couple behind a bush kissing on each other's neck the woman looked like she enjoyed it so I wanted to do it to you" luffy said innocently.

"Y-you watched them do it?" I asked shocked. "Well the man was taking the woman shirt off and I didn't want to see her naked so I walked off" luffy said. I sighed loudly then layed down.

As soon as I layed down luffy lean forward pinning me down "Hey luffy let's not do this" I tried to yell but it turned into a whisper. "Why it's fun" luffy whined. Then started kiss my neck again.

L-Luffy" I tried to say but it came out like a moan. Luffy started to move up my jawline I can feel his grip tightened around my wrists. He got close to my lips I started blushing again at his touch.

I quickly pushed luffy off of me luffy pouted at me "I'm sorry luffy but it's been a long day and I'm tired" I said truthfully I went to opened the latch but was stopped by luffy I looked over at him "could we do it again sometime" luffy asked I nodded a yes at him. Luffy kissed me and I kissed back then pulled away.
We got to our room and went to bed

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