Rebecca takes back her man (with a strangely feminine name)

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"Please, we can still make it work!" She said threw her tears, pleading with him not to go. He scowled.

"No Rebecca, we're over, after you blew up our school (??) you think I'd want to stay with you? This' ', he said gesturing to the two of them "is done' ' he finished. walking out the door with a slam. Rebecca slumped to the ground.

"I can't believe he's gone, '' she muttered under her breath. The tears streaming down her face felt warmer than she had known before.

She and Brooklyn had been together since their first year of highschool. The only reason she went to this college was for him so they could stay together. It was all a waste of her time. She should have listened to her parents.

Rebecca had an idea. She knew where Brooklyn spent all his time and she would go there and wait. the gym. Brooklyn was always there and very passionate about the gym. He was fucking ripped. Like he looked like the damn liver king ripped.

Rebecca had put herself in a disguise. She was going to dress up and act as a urinal. Her plan is that when he uses the bathroom, he will use the one that is actually Rebecca because he's so drawn to her.

She waited and waited. Seeing many different men stroll into the restroom. Tall, fat fucks who are here for a reason, the clearly gay and is waiting to get home to his Twink boyfriend, the ripped ones. All of them. Still waiting to see Brooklyn.

Then, when she was about to give up and leave, she saw him. Oh how he looked so Divine. His hair clinging to his head from the sweat beads on it. This was it, the moment she had been waiting for.

She saw Brooklyn approaching her. This was it, he was Going to do it, and she was ready for it.

So when his warm golden stream hit her face she was filled with nothing but joy and euphoria. Any drug could not be better than this moment and how loved she felt.

as the last few drops drained from his body, leaving only a smidgen of pee on her, she decided that now would be when she revealed herself. When Brooklyn was just about to leave, she stopped him.

"Brooklyn! Wait!" Upon hearing Rebecca's voice, Brooklyn turned around and looked Into her eyes. He saw Rebecca standing in the bathroom dressed as a urinal.

"Rebecca?" He asked confused, but his questions were quickly answered when he saw that the urinal he had just used was Missing. Rebecca stood there smugly as she saw the realization dawn on him.

"Rebecca? W-why?" Brooklyn couldn't wrap his head around such an absurd way to get his attention.

"Because Brooklyn. I love you! I always have! And I don't know why you would" Rebecca was starting to get emotional at this point.

"Because what we have is-is special and i don't know how you can't see that!" She was in tears at this point.

Brooklyn stared back at her now. Reminiscing on their past. It was true, they were perfect together. They hardly fought... Until they did. Maybe they just didn't know how else to process the emotions so they ended it without thinking.

But the love they felt for one another was still burning bright inside them. Brooklyn was missing Rebecca dearly and couldn't be happier that she had come to him.

"Rebecca I have never doubted our love for even a second." The passion was clear as he spoke. "Yes, yes let's get back together and promise to never be apart again."

His words made Rebecca explode with emotions.

"Yes please, Brooklyn!" Their lips locked into a passionate kiss, neither one planning on letting go when they had only just been reunited.

"Rebecca my love" he looked at her with love sick eyes "let's go back home" Brooklyn just smiled

"Of course Brooklyn, anything for you" she beamed up at him.

Then as they both walked out of the gym, hand in hand, they had forgotten any negative emotions or grudges they had had for each other.


Rebecca as a urinal - a short story Where stories live. Discover now