21. 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓.

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---Jungkook's Perspective---

I dried my wet hairs with the help of cotten towel and walks out from the bathroom, my eyes explored the room to find my little girl but she was not in the room.

"Finding your wife?", I heard a voice which belong to none other then Soohan, "Nah, do you have some work with me?"

"Ye--", he get cut off by a loud sound from the downstairs. I quickly runned downstairs realising it's Y/n's scream.

"Y/n, what happen?", I asked worriedly, running towards her who is standing on the couch and jumping with Soohan's wife.

"That little creature.", Y/n said pointing on the caterpillar down on the white floor, I chuckled at her.

"Y/n, come down.", I ordered but she shook her head, "The caterpillar is wondering after seeing a creature like you."

I said walking to her by which my boots made sound, I grasp her wrist and wrap my manly arm around her waist, lifting her up in the air.

"Let's go.", she whispered cutely which made me chuckle, "Soohan, help your wife."

"Yeah, Hyrin, come here.", He lift her up in the same way as me and took her towards the kitchen.

"Jungkook, it's still on floor, it is staring at me.", She mumbbled cutely which chuckled me to press my lips together to suppress my laughter.

I made her sit on the dinning table and asked, "Can you stop joking around?"

"Can you tell that caterpillar to leave?", She wriggled her eyebrows, I placed my palm on my forehead messaging it softly.

"Great, why don't you tell by yourself? You both are of same variety.", I smiled as I whispers to her softly.

Her teasing smile fade away into a small angry pout, "Okay, caterpillar, go away from my wife."

"It is still on floor.", she mumbbled, I stand up sighing heavily, I hold the chair and said, "Soohan, can I get a broom stick?"

Hyrin nodded and give me a broomstick by which I threw caterpillar out from the house.

"The caterpillar maybe cursing me for doing this.", i mumbbled which caused everyone to laugh at me.

"That studborn caterpillar is out from the house now.", I said siting on the dinning table with her.

"What if it come again?", she asked in a teasing tone.

"Unnie, I am hungry, can I get food?", I asked to unnie, she nodded and served me in a plate.

"Eat silently or else I will turn you into a caterpillar.", i whispered under my breath and she just nodded cutely.

"By the way, are you a magician?", she asked curiously blinking her eyes innocently which caused me to look at her in disbelief and again caused everyone to brust into laughter.

"Y/n, you're teasing him so much. Eat quietly.", Hyrin said trying to suppress her laughter.

She nodded and mumbbling on her food. Everyone is brust into laughter again, I sighs. She is annoying but cute at same time.

I pinched her cheeks before leaning a feather kiss on her forehead, her cheeks heat up and turned into crimeson pink colour.

"Everyone is here.", she mumbled which caused me to chuckle.

Author's Note:

Sorry Babu, I am late to update this part. Okay, for next part please make this part reach 100 reads.

I hope you all support me.

Take care....

To Be Continue.....

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