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(( This is going to be a long work in progress because I want it to be done well. I reserve rights to my own characters, if you believe I need to change something let me know. Please do not be stealing the story/ characters/ title/ and any other form of those. Thank you! ))

Sgt. Nadya Volkov
Slavic/Russian British
27F (Hope Wolf)
Cold, detached
Bleached blonde/ white hair dark roots coming through, silver eyes, ivory white skin, sharp jawline, strong nose structure, high and authoritative posture, slightly muscular. Refuses to make friends, deeper lying issue. Second in command of the lower ranks. 5'10

Sgt. Clara Ciervo
Spanish heritage
(famous hunter) 25F
Transferred Sergeant
Reserved, efficient
Brown curly hair, honey eyes, tanned skin, feminine curves. Round face and jawline, high cheekbones, high posture. Often comes to work with her hands covered in small cuts. 5'7

Sgt. Philipe Linder
Well presented, minimalist
Started graying hair, dark at the tips. Angular face, strong nose, trimmed goatee. Cheek scar, 2-3 inches long. Pale green eyes, dark circles underneath, pale skin. Laughs at seeing poorly placed signs. First in command over the lower ranks. 6'2

Harper Williams
Bright personality, fresh out of education
Small character, usually just strolls around the city in uniform. Bulky, slightly on the chubby side. Strawberry blonde hair, usually in plaits or bun. Amber brown eyes. Olive skin covered in freckles, arm scars. 5'4

Leon Davide
African British
Polite and kind
Tall and lanky, but well structured. Is Harpers patrol partner, has 1 more year experience. Slightly grown out buzz cut, eyebrow slit. Dark brown eyes, dark skinned. Wears a signet ring everywhere he goes. 5'12

CI Mandy Mills
Welsh British
Chief Inspector
Grey curls, short hairstyle. Detached. Was Nadyas mentor, probably the closest thing Nadya has to a mother figure. Prefers tea over coffee. Pale white skin, faint freckles. Wears red glasses occasionally, rare for anyone to see her with them on. 5'6

CC Laura Phelps
White British
Chief Constable
Rarely seen. Makes an odd appearance but is mainly in other departments or called to duty on serious issues. Stressed, tired, knows her role is almost finished. Final years of mentoring. Has a love hate relationship with desk plants. 5'9

First meeting- Nadya is unaware, introduces the new joiners, assigning them their own locker, rules and regulations.
Clara introduces herself, held out hand.
"I don't have favourites, don't try sucking up" scene, Clara explains she's a new Sergeant in the department.
First scene of action for Clara, she is chosen to accompany Nadya. She surprises Nadya with her quick thinking and rational decision.
Clara is getting liked by people, Nadya distances herself, admiring from afar, possibly feeling threatened for position.
Pub scene, darts, drinks, and Nadya pushes Clara away, threatening her.
The tension affects their work, Clara is attacked, Nadya gets clumsy and lets them get away
Clara dosent blame Nadya, tries to settle the ice with a coffee, becomes a slow tradition
Nadya withdraws herself from the situation, returning all focus to work
Clara is confused, third mission together, Nadya gets beaten to a pulp
Truth arises, Nadya actually has a connection to the third mission, and the person who beats her up

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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