Chapter 9

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AS THE METKAYINA warriors along with you, Jake, Tonowari and Ronal rode on your tsuraks towards the demon ships, Jake told Tonowari to stop everyone when noticing that they were at a good distance away from the ships

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AS THE METKAYINA warriors along with you, Jake, Tonowari and Ronal rode on your tsuraks towards the demon ships, Jake told Tonowari to stop everyone when noticing that they were at a good distance away from the ships.

"Stop, stop them." Jake said to Tonowari. Your father raised his spear in the air as a signal to the warriors to stop.

"Dad! Mama!" Tuk beamed with a smile upon seeing you and Jake in the front lines. Tsireya smiled as she spotted her parents and you. Loak sighed in relief as soon as he saw you and Jake. Jake raised up his gun, looking through the lenses, "They got our kids, your daughter." Jake said to Ronal and Tonowari, they hissed in anger, Ronal held onto her spear tightly, holding back angry tears. "Tuk, Loak." Jake continued with so much frustration built up inside. You hissed venomously, baring your fangs at the mention of your kids and your sister.

Quaritch snatched Loaks comms off of his neck, "I took you under my wing Jake, you betrayed me. Good men good women. I will not hesitate to execute your kid." He spoke through the comms as he pressed his gun against the back of Loaks head. Jake let out a deep hiss. Your eyes widened in fear, when Quaritch pressed his gun on Loak's head.

"So what's it gonna be?" Quaritch continued. "Check your fire, I'm coming out." Jake spoke through the comms, as he began to swim forward. Your eyes widened. "Ma'Jake! No Ma'Jake! Don't do this!" You screamed as tears began to well up in your eyes. Jake looked down closing his eyes, as tears started to pour from his eyes. Your mate was willing to sacrifice his life for you and your kids. You couldn't live without him, you wouldn't know what to do without him by your side. Underwater Payakan noticed Loak and the kids tied up on the ship, he wailed in anger seeing his beloved friend in the clutches of the Sky People. Payakan swam up high in the air and landed on the demon ship, he let out angry wails as he destroyed the Sky People with his fins. "Payakan!" Tuk exclaimed innocently, happy that he was there to save them.

Not wasting any more time, Jake let out a war cry ready to fight, holding his gun up in the air as his tsurak began to swim rapidly. Ronal, Tonowari, you and the Metkayina immediately raised your spears in the air letting out cry's and yips upon Jake's command. All of you started swimming at a fast speed on your tsuraks. You yipped and screamed with so much confidence and courage. One of the demon ships began to shoot bullet's, you all swam underwater avoiding them.

You came from underwater letting out a war cry, and threw your spear into the air, it then landed perfectly through the humans chest. You yipped with pride.

Tonowari came from underwater aswell, stabbing a human with his spear as he yelled angrily. Then Ronal swam up charging her spear at a human, letting out a war cry aswell.

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