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Her mind is contaminated by the negativities of human nature. Corroded by the perception of pretty, produced by thousands of eyes and minds seeming to be belonging to one source. The stereotypical display of photo-shopped men and women, posing for magazine covers, caked in pixilized perfection has destroyed her perception and likeness of pretty.

She doesn't believe she's pretty,
Because she has been told a lie.

Marveled by the appearance of another she asks herself,
"Why can't I look like that?"
The eyes of a model, the hair if an actress makes her believe,
"She's so pretty. I will never be as pretty as her"
The envisionary movies produce where the pretty boy always gets the pretty girl makes her believe
"I will never get a boyfriend like that"
And not even close to last, the rude comments of everyone around her lessens and lessens her hopes of ever being pretty.

She doesn't believe she's pretty,
Because she has been told a lie.

The media never helps. Not just her but so many girls have been filled with these horrid nightmares of beauty. So.many will do anything to be the type of pretty they so oftenly dream of. And thought they may be told they're pretty, the wall of doubts they've built reflects it before the mind can register and believe.

They don't believe they're pretty,
Because they all have been told a lie.

(Well pretty is just a meer description of you wonderful young women. You're not pretty, you're beautiful.)


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