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"Preoccupied? Really?"

"Well, you were, you were waiting for me in the shower," Taylor shrugged

"Now everyone's gonna think we were having sex," Dylan laughed as she got under the covers to join Taylor

"And they would think right, we did have sex, in the shower,"

Dylan let out a laugh at the girl as her phone started to ring,

"Guess who?" Dylan sighed

"Answer it, I'll defend you," Taylor teased

Dylan playfully rolled her eyes at the blonde before answering her phone,

"Okay before you kill me—"

"—I'm not going to kill you Dylan, I'm calling to say congratulations, you two broke the internet,"

"Yeah um, sorry about that," Dylan replied as she tried her hardest not to laugh

"No don't be sorry! It's about time you two got back together, Tree and I don't have to worry about you two getting caught on camera,"

"I guess so," Dylan said cautiously, "Why are you not screaming at me?"

"I told you, I don't have to worry about you two getting caught, my life is peaceful,"

"You're welcome,"

"I've already had a few news outlets reach out wanting an inside scoop, will I be vague?"

"Definitely, they only need to know what we want them to know, right Tay?"

"Right," Taylor nodded

"Noted, okay well I'll let you two carry on being 'pre-occupied', enjoy girls," Kate said before ending the call

Taylor's cheeks were bright red, as were Dylan's. But the two just burst into a fit of laughter,

"Well at least that's sorted," Dylan chuckled

Taylor chuckled before laying her head on Dylan's chest,

"I'm so happy,"

"Me too love,"

"I love you Dylan, so much,"

"I love you so much more Taylor," Dylan smiled before the blonde placed a soft kiss on her lips

"I have a question for you,"


"Do you want to come on tour with me? If you don't want to that's completely fine, I know your filming soon and—"

"—Taylor, you're rambling love," Dylan chuckled as she interrupted her girlfriend

"Sorry, but it was just an idea I had," Taylor smiled

Dylan stayed silent for a moment in her thoughts. If she left with Taylor that meant she could get away from everything back home, her father pestering her, her own issues.

 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐃 • TAYLOR SWIFT Where stories live. Discover now