Chapter 10

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 IT WAS A PEACEFUL day in Awa'atlu, the Ilu's were clicking happily, the sun was shining bright and the breeze was calm and soothing

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IT WAS A PEACEFUL day in Awa'atlu, the Ilu's were clicking happily, the sun was shining bright and the breeze was calm and soothing. You were in your mauri weaving a blanket after losing your old one. Jake was hunting with Tonowari and some other warriors, and the kids were out playing with Tsireya and Aonung, along with Rotxo.

It's been three months since the battle against the Sky People. You were finally happy again. Lately you've been feeling ill, you didn't think much of it, until you started to vomit a lot and you would crave weird foods. So you decided to go to your mother, the Tsahik. You called out to her once you got to her hut. "Mother?" Ronal looked up to see you standing at the entrance.

"Yes, Ma'Ite? She asked with worry, as she saw your face with concern. You walked in and sat down crisscrossed. "I've been feeling ill these past few days, and I've been craving weird food combinations." You replied with a sigh. Her face scrunched up with confusion. "Hmm, lay down on the mattress Lei'wa." She responded as she patted her hand on the mattress. Nodding your head, you did as told.

Ronal pressed her ear against your stomach as she hummed. After a few seconds she instantly got up and gasped with a smile. "What's wrong mama?" Is everything alright?" You questioned with panic. "Nothing's wrong my daughter. Your pregnant!" She exclaimed in utter happiness. Your eyes widened with shock, tears of joy poured from your eyes.

Ronal pulled you into an embrace. You wrapped your arms around your mother as you shed happy tears. "Congratulations Ma'Ite, I'm so happy for you ." Your mother cooed in your ear. "Irayo mother, irayo." You replied softly. You couldn't wait to spill the news to your family. The both of you pulled away, Ronal wiped your tears, caressing your face gently. "Go tell your kids and Jake." She spoke with a loving smile. You nodded giggling joyfully.

You stood up from the ground and skipped happily to your mauri. A smile made it's way to your face upon seeing your mate. He was carving his knife, when his ears perked up at the sounds of your sweet giggles. Jake looked up at the front of the mauri, he smiled as he made his way over to you.

"Hey baby, why are you so happy. Did something happen?" He asked as he kissed your lips softly. "Yes! Something did happen! I'm pregnant Ma'Jake! We're having a baby!" You bursted out cheerfully. A wide smile appeared on Jake's face. He picked you up by the waist and turled you around joyfully. He put you down as he gave you small kiss all over your face. You giggled at his antics. "This is the best news ever! We're having a baby!" He jumped up and down like a little kid. You chuckled at your husband's reaction.


When the kids arrived home, you and Jake sat them down to announce the news. They all looked at you both curiously, eager to know what was going on. "Kids, we have something to tell you, and don't worry it's good news." Jake spoke up not being able to hold back his smile. "I'm pregnant! Your going to have a sibling!" You blurted out with no hesitation.

The kids squealed at the news. Tuk started jumping up and down excitedly. Neteyam and Loak sprinted up from the ground screaming and laughing happily. Kiri jumped into your arms hugging you tightly, with warm happy tears streamed down her face. "I'm so happy mom, I can't wait to meet my baby sister or brother." She spoke nuzzling into your embrace.

Neteyam, Loak, and Tuk pulled you and Jake for a big hug. "I can't wait to meet our new sibling." Loak muttered. You smiled as you kissed his temple. "Me too." Neteyam added.


After telling your kids, you went to look for Tsireya , Tonowari and Aonung to tell them the big news. You peaked inside their mauri. Smiling you walked in. "Father, sister, brother." You spoke up. They all turned their heads at your voice. Ronal smiled knowing what you were about to announce. Tonowari smiled upon seeing you. "Hello Ma'Ite. Is there something you need?" He asked as he took a sip of his juice.

You walked in, sitting down next to Tsireya. "I have some news, mother already knows and my kids and Jake." You spoke softly. They looked at you puzzled. And they looked at Ronal when you mentioned that she knew. Ronal shrugged with a playful smirk on her face. "I'm pregnant! I'm having a baby!" You shouted excitedly. A smile made its way to their faces. "I'm going to be a grandfather! I can't believe it! Oh my Eywa!" Tonowari yells with so much joy. Tsireya and Aonung hugged you tightly. They both pulled away after a few seconds. "I'm going to be an uncle! Oh Eywa! Aonung screamed as he began to leap up and down. "And I'm going to be an aunt!" Tsireya giggled as she clapped her hands together. Ronal giggled at their expressions.

You smiled at their responses, Tonowari squeezed you into a hug gently. He kissed your forehead lovingly. "I'm so thrilled for you Ma'Ite, I can't wait to meet my grandkid." He spoke tenderly. "Thank you sempul, I can't wait to meet my baby." You replied as you placed your hand on your little baby bump.


A DAY HAS passed since you found out that you were pregnant, you've been feeling more better now, but you still had some morning sickness here and there

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A DAY HAS passed since you found out that you were pregnant, you've been feeling more better now, but you still had some morning sickness here and there. Kiri and Tuk were inside the mauri with you, making jewelry. The fish was frying on the pan as you were cutting some vegetables, you were making some fried fish with some veggies for dinner.

You were craving some of it, and your family wanted some. The sun was starting to set, as Jake walked in with Neteyam and Loak, the boys were out learning how to fight with Jake and Tonowari.

"Hey mom." Loak and Neteyam said in unison, Jake placed a loving kiss on your lips and placeed his hand on your small baby bump. "Hey my boys, how was training?" You replied as you poured the vegetables into the pot. "It was really good." Neteyam replied as he took a bite of the fish. "Yeah I learned a lot of new moves." Loak added. You smiled at their responses "How's our baby and my gorgeous wife?" Jake spoke as he hugged you from behind. "Our baby is great, and I'm doing amazingly." You replied giggling. He chuckled at your response. Kiri looked up at you and Jake. "I finally finished my necklace mom, I made it for you." She spoke up. "Awww, thank you Ma'Ite, it's beautiful." You responded with soft eyes. She smiled happily. Tuk also finished her jewelry, she made bracelets for everyone.

The rest of your night you spent it in your hut with your sweet family. It was the best day ever.

Irayo - Thank you/Thanks
Sempul - Father
Ma'Ite - My daughter

Chapter 10 is officially finished!!! Lei'wa is pregnant!! That was the huge surprise!! I hope you guys liked this chapter!!! It was so fun writing this chapter!!! :)))) 🫶🏼💗

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