Chapter 11

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TWO MONTHS HAVE passed since you found out that you were pregnant, and your baby bump has grown

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TWO MONTHS HAVE passed since you found out that you were pregnant, and your baby bump has grown. Today you're going to visit your mother to find out the gender of your baby, and you've been feeling exhausted lately.

Jake has been such a good husband, he's been taking care of you lately. He's been cooking breakfast and dinner for everyone, he cleans up the mauri when needed, and he gives you so much love and affection. The kids have been helping out aswell, they do all of your duties around the village and in the hut, you didn't want them to do everything for you but they insisted. You were so eternally grateful to be blessed with such a beautiful family. You thanked Eywa everyday for giving you this gift, bringing Jake and his kids to your home.

The sun was shining bright this morning, the Ilu's were clicking and cooing happily. The waves were calm and soothing. Once you made it to your parents hut, Ronal told you to lay down. She applied a paste on your baby bump. "If the paste turns warm then the baby is a girl, and if the paste stays cold, then the baby is a boy." She spoke and she put away her items. You nodded your head at her words.

Your heart was beating so fast with excitement. You couldn't wait to find out the gender of your baby. After a few minutes the paste turned warm. You smiled as your eyes brimmed with tears, your pregnant with a baby girl. Your mother turned her head at the sounds of your happy squeals. "It's a girl mother! I'm having a girl!" You exclaimed with delight. Ronal smiled widely with happiness, she placed soft kisses on your face, "Congratulations Ma'Ite, I'm going to have a granddaughter!!" She squealed as she clapped her hands together.

"Hurry! Go tell Jake and the kids! I'll tell your father and your siblings!" She said, as she ushered you to your mauri. You quickly nodded, you cleaned off the paste on your belly before running to your hut. Once you were in front of your hut, you stopped running and panted tirelessly. Jake immediately made his way towards you to calm you down. The kids all looked at you with worry, noticing how tired you were.

"Baby, are you alright? What happened?" Jake questioned with panic. Tuk ran up to you and hugged your leg. "I'm alright Ma'Jake. I just ran over here to tell you all that the baby is a girl!" You replied exclaiming. The kids cheered and jumped up in happiness, they ran over to you for an embrace. Jake's eyes widened with joy, "Omg I can't believe this! We're having a baby girl!" He exclaimed as he gave you kisses all over your face. You giggled at Jake's actions. You pulled Jake and the kids in for a big family hug.

"I'm so excited to meet our sister!" Loak squealed like a little boy. "Me too bro! I can't believe it!" Neteyam added with a hug smile on his face. Kiri cried with tears of joy and happiness. Tuk leaped up and down with a fit of giggles, excited that she's going to be an older sister. After your wholesome moment with your family, Jake decided to make some dinner for everyone.

"I'll be back Ma'Jake." You spoke up. Jake nodded before pecking your lips softly. You walked out of your mauri to look for your siblings and your father. Tsireya screamed once she saw you walking towards their hut. She ran towards you with happiness. "I'm so incredibly happy for you sister! I can't wait to meet my niece!" She squealed. You chuckled at her words. "I can't wait to meet her too sister." You replied smiling as you placed your hand on your baby bump.

"Where's Aonung and father?" You questioned curiously. "Oh father is in the mauri and Aonung is out fishing with his friends. Mother hasn't told him since he hasn't come back yet." She replied lightly. You nodded your head and walked towards your parents hut to see your father. Tonowari smiled upon seeing you. "Ma'Ite, congratulations. I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to meet my granddaughter." He spoke as a few happy tears fell from his eyes. You looked at your father with soft eyes, glad to hear that from him. "Thank you father, I can't wait to meet my daughter." You responded as you hugged him tightly. Ronal and Tsireya smiled at the sight.

Once Aonung came back from fishing you told him that the baby is a girl. He screamed and cheered joyfully, he couldn't wait any longer to meet his niece.


THE WATER GLISTENED as the fishes moved in the water, the bioluminescence shined beautifully

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THE WATER GLISTENED as the fishes moved in the water, the bioluminescence shined beautifully. You were sitting down on the edge of the dock, next to your hut, looking at the stars. As you moved your feet in the water you felt something kick you in your belly. You gasped realizing that the baby just kicked. Immediately getting up, you sprinted towards your hut.

"Ma'Jake! Kids!" You yelled, they turned their heads towards the sound of your voice. "What is it? What happened Ma'Lei?" Jake asked getting up from his position. "The baby just kicked!" You giggled, squealing. Jake smiled brightly, the kids got up aswell. Jake gently placed his hand on your baby bump, waiting to see if she would kick. Then suddenly the baby kicked, sensing her father.

"She kicked oh my goodness!" Jake exclaimed. The kids squealed at their father's words.  You covered your mouth with your hands, happy that your baby kicked for the first time...

Ma'Ite - My daughter

Chapter 11 is officially completed you guys!!! The baby kicked for the first time!! And it's a girl!! :))) 💞🌸

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