Chapter 13

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THE BIOLUMINESCENCE shined brightly, you and Jake were taking a stroll on the beach, it was your date night, which was almost over

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THE BIOLUMINESCENCE shined brightly, you and Jake were taking a stroll on the beach, it was your date night, which was almost over. Your parents were with Niraya and the rest of the kids, while you and Jake were out. Tomorrow you were planning on having a talk with Kiri, she's been acting more and more suspicious lately.

"I had so much fun tonight Ma'Jake." You spoke up, your eyes twinkling with joy. "Me too baby, it's been a while since we had some time alone." Jake replied kissing you softly. You smiled, resting your forehead against his.

After your walk with Jake, the both of you decided that it was time to go back home, since it was getting pretty late. You picked up the kids from your parents mauri and walked back to your pod.

"It was so much fun with grandma and grandpa!" Tuk cheered as she skipped happily. You smiled at your daughter's innocence. "I'm glad to hear that ma'ite." You responded stroking her hair gently.

Everyone else was getting ready to sleep after a long day. Niraya was in your arms nearly falling alseep, you were singing her songcord, it always put her to sleep. Once her little snores could be heard you carefully placed her in her crib. You kissed her cheek softly, your baby smiled in her sleep, feeling your presence. You walked back to you and Jake's shared hammock. The both of you fell asleep in each other's embrace.


 YOU WOKE UP early to the bright sunlight, the morning was peaceful and still, people awoke early to hunt for fish

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YOU WOKE UP early to the bright sunlight, the morning was peaceful and still, people awoke early to hunt for fish. Today is the celebration for the birth of Niraya, you were so excited for your people to welcome your baby into this world.

Jake and the kids woke later than usual, so you were the first one to eat breakfast, and Niraya whom woke up a few minutes after you. "Morning love, mmm that food looks delicious." Jake said, sitting down next to you. "Good morning Ma'Jake." You responded, eating some dragon fruit. Niraya was in your arms, snuggling into you, eating her small bits of fruit. She looked up at her father with wide eyes and a cute smile.

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