Chapter 14

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NIRAYA WAS snuggled up in Neteyams arms, eating some squashed up fruit

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NIRAYA WAS snuggled up in Neteyams arms, eating some squashed up fruit. Tuk and Kiri were helping you weave some baby clothes for Niraya, while Loak and Jake were out fishing.

Suddenly you heard a horn. Your ears pinned back in confusion, the Tulkun couldn't be back so soon right? But you were wrong, the Tulkun have come home. Everyone immediately jumped out of their mauri's to greet their spirit siblings again.

You and the kids immediately stood up, "Kids! The Tulkun are back again!" You exclaimed with a smile. Tuk and Kiri ran out to greet them. Neteyam stood up and handed Niraya over to you. "Come on mom let's go!" He spoke excitedly. You smiled at your son.

You put Niraya in a baby carrier. You sprinted out of your hut and called for Tilí, your tsurak. You swam fast but held your baby close to your chest.

Ni'alu let out a happy wail, elated to see you again. Your smile grew wider once you saw her calf. You swam underwater and approached your sister. "Sister I see you." You signed to her. "I see you sister, I am happy." Ni'alu clicked and howled. You turned your head to her baby calf and smiled wildly.

The baby Tulkun wailed happily. You turned your gaze back to Ni'alu, "Your daughter is beautiful." You signed. Niraya wiggled against you. "Thank you, your daughter is beautiful as well." She replied clicking. You pulled Niraya out of the baby carrier and she wiggled up to the surface, Ni'alu's baby Tulkun Zanya clicked happily at your baby.

Niraya officially bonded with her new spirit sister. As you held Niraya against you, you felt a presence beside you. You turned your head around and beamed excitedly upon seeing Jake. He smiled back at you and swam towards you and Ni'alu.

Jake learned sign language these past few weeks. He greeted Ni'alu with a smile. "I see you Jake, it is great to see you again." Ni'alu wailed flapping her fins. "It is great to see you too Ni'alu, your baby is beautiful." Jake responded. "Thank you Jake." Ni'alu clicked with excitement.

You handed Niraya over to Jake and the both of you swam back up to the surface. "Our baby officially bonded with Ni'alu's baby, Zanya!" You said cheerfully to Jake. He smiled at your expression. "That's amazing baby, our daughter has a spirit sister." He replied stroking your cheek softly.

Jake held Niraya close to his chest as she nuzzled against him. You did a flip with Ni'alu underneath. Zanya howled happily at Niraya, your baby gurgled at her spirit sister. Jake smiled fondly at his daughter.


YOU WERE AT your parents hut with your kids and Jake

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YOU WERE AT your parents hut with your kids and Jake. Discussing about the Tulkun's arrival again, it was shocking when they arrived unexpectedly. You felt bad for your mother because Roa's death, but she bonded with a new Tulkun. Priya. Once she told you, you were thrilled that she was happy again. Though, Roa will always be in her memory. Payakan wasn't seen as an outsider anymore and he was allowed to be with the other Tulkun whom accepted him. Loak was so happy when he heard the news, he can now spend time with Payakan without getting in trouble.

Ronal was close to giving birth, you couldn't wait to meet your new sibling. "It was so unexpected, I didn't think that they'd come home so soon." You spoke up. "Me either ma'ite, Priya told me that their migration finished early, so they came home." Ronal replied as she played with Niraya, she squealed at her grandmother.

Jake sat beside you holding you close by the waist, stroking your hip gently, he's been very touchy lately but you didn't mind, you loved it. Tuk and Kiri were making necklaces with Tsireya, while Neteyam and Loak weaved their Omatikaya pieces. Aonung was hanging out with his friends, he was coming home soon. "My spirit brother, Khalo has found a mate, her name is Eyrina." Tonowari spoke up, drinking some fruit juice.

"That's great father! I'm so glad to hear that." You replied with a gasp. Tonowari smiled at your response. Tuk ran towards you and sat on your lap. "Look mama! I made a two necklaces for you and daddy!" Tuk exclaimed happily. "Oh why thank you my daughter, they're gorgeous." You replied kissing her forehead lovingly.  "Yeah, they're stunning baby, thank you." Jake spoke ruffling Tuktirey's hair.


After spending time with your family, you went back home. "The Tulkun were so pretty today mom!" Kiri exclaimed. "I know, they really were honey." You responded, smiling fondly at your daughter. Niraya fell asleep in Loak's arms on the way home. Loak put her to sleep in her crib. "You're such a good brother ma'itan." You spoke up to Loak. "Thanks mom." He replied smiling.

You pulled him close to your chest kissing his forehead. Neteyam and Jake saw joining in the hug, including Kiri and Tuk. Your heart fluttered at your kids. You couldn't be happier.



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THE DAY WAS bright and sunny. Loak was out on a date again with Tsireya. While the rest of the kids were out playing with Roxto and Aonung. You and Jake were spending some time alone. The Tulkun haven't left yet, they were resting in their pods.

Jake was carving his weapons while you were weaving some tops. Your parents were spending some time with Niraya. You stopped what you were doing and looked up at Jake, he was focused, so he didn't notice your gaze on him. You couldn't help but stare at his muscles and well built body, and his big hands.

You felt your cheeks heat up, after a few seconds Jake noticed your gaze fixated on him. You quickly looked away continuing what you were doing before, trying not to make anything obvious. Jake smirked knowing what just happened. You gulped as Jake made his way towards you.

He sat beside you as he rubbed your thigh softly, "Don't think I didn't catch you staring baby." He whispered in your ear. You felt tingles all over your body. He kissed your neck and shoulders softly. You gasped at the feeling. He spun you around and placed you on his lap.

Jake smashed his lips on yours, you didn't hesitate to kiss him back. The kiss was rough and gentle, soon it started to get heated. The both of you pulled away to catch your breaths.

Jake rubbed your thighs up and down as you panted softly. "Why don't we spend some time alone, before the kids get here hmm?" Jake asked with a smirk. Your cheeks became even redder, you nodded eagerly. "I'd like that." You whispered biting your lip in anticipation. He chuckled at how desperate you were.


Chapter 14 is completed yall!! Niraya has officially bonded with Zanya!! She has a spirit sister! 🥹💗💗

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