Chapter 15

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TODAY YOU WOKE up feeling full of energy, you yawned as you stood up from your mauri

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TODAY YOU WOKE up feeling full of energy, you yawned as you stood up from your mauri. You walked out into the middle part of the mauri and saw Jake and the kids awake. You smiled at your husband, as he cooked breakfast. Kiri and Tuk were playing with Niraya.

"Morning love, how'd you sleep?" Jake asked kissing your temple. "I slept great Ma'Jake." You replied resting your head on his shoulder. "Good morning mom." Neteyam spoke up with a toothy grin. "Good morning ma'itan." You replied walking over to him and embracing him in a hug.

"Morning mom, I slept great last night." Loak said as he munched on his fruits. "Good morning ma'itan, that's good." You replied giggling. You sat back down next to Jake and began to eat breakfast.

"Hey mom, how was your sleep?" Kiri spoke as she handed Niraya over to you, your baby nuzzled her face into your neck cooing. "I slept good ma'ite." You replied as you ate some mango. Tuk ran over to you and sat between you and Jake. "Mama! Look what I made for you!" Tuk exclaimed holding up a beautiful bracelet, adored with shells and diamonds along with Omaticaya beads.

"Thank you Tuk, I love it so much, now I have a collection." You said kissed her forehead as you took the bracelet from her. Tuk smiled, elated that you loved the gift.

Today you were planning on visiting your parents at the spirit tree. You haven't talked to them in a very long time. You missed them dearly.

After having breakfast with you family Neteyam and Loak stayed with their siblings while you and Jake went to visit the spirit tree.

Jake hopped on his tsurak, while you called yours, Tilí. Once she swam towards you, you hopped on Tilí. Jake got off of his tsurak as you got off of yours. "Are you ready baby?" Jake asked reassuringly. You nodded, taking a deep breath before swimming towards the spirit tree.

You connected your tendrils from you braid to one of the branches of the tree, Jake was beside you holding your hand. You closed your eyes and opened them, it looked like you were sitting on a rock by the beach. You looked up and saw your parents in front of you. Your eyes brimmed with tears.

"Ma'Ite it's so good to see you." Your mother spoke in her sweet voice, she and your father approached you. Oh how you missed talking to her. Your mother's name was Amari Te Iona Txana'ite and your father's name was So'lek Te Takhi Entu'itan. Your parents were strong warriors. You looked just like your mom and you had your father's spirit and bravery.

"Mother, father." You spoke softly with a shaky smile. Happy tears dripped from your eyes. "We missed you so much, my beautiful daughter." So'lek spoke, wiping off your tears. Your mother nodded in agreement. "I have a mate, and kids now." You spoke smiling wider. "Yes we know Ma'Ite, we've been watching over you. Our grandkids are beautiful, I'm so happy to see you happy." Amari said proudly. 

You giggled softly. "We are so proud of you sweetheart, you're married to the mighty  Toruk Makto, he's an amazing and strong warrior. Neytiri Te Tskaha Mo'at'ite was a strong warrior and woman aswell. She's grateful that you treat the kids as your own. Tell Ronal and Tonowari that we're so grateful for taking care of you." Your father said sniffing softly. You nodded your head at his words.

They pulled you in for a hug. You melted into their embrace. "I love you guys so much, and I miss you both every day." You spoke up sobbing. "We love you too, and we're right here, we'll always be here." So'lek replied rubbing your back comfortingly. Your mother kissed your forehead lovingly. "It's time for you to go Lei'wa, we love you so much, and we'll see you soon." Your mother said as you pulled away from their hug. You nodded wiping your tears away.

"Goodbye mama, goodbye father." You said as they waved at you. You opened your eyes as you disconnected your braid from the branch. You turned your head towards Jake with a tear stained face. Jake's eyes softened as you both swam up to the surface. Your husband pulled you in for an embrace. You sobbed uncontrollably, "I miss them so much Ma'Jake, every day." You said shakily continuing to cry in his arms. "I know sweetheart, I know. It's okay, I'm right here love." Jake responded comforting you as much as he could.

His heart clenched, he hated seeing you so sad. He gently rubbed your back as he kissed your head. "Everything's going to be okay baby, I'm right here." Jake cooed in your ear.


After you made it home from the spirit tree, you told Ronal and Tonowari what your parents told you. "We promised your parents to take care of you before they passed away, we'll always treasure you as our own." Ronal spoke, her eyes brimmed with tears. Tonowari nodded at his mates words. "Come here Ma'Ite." Tonowari gestured you to come towards them. You immediately walked up to them and hugged them tightly.

"I love you both so much, thank you for taking care of me and treating me as your own." You spoke smiling with happiness. "We love you too Ma'Ite, we always will no matter what." Tonowari replied kissing your forehead.


You walked back to your hut to be greeted by your kids and Jake. Your husband told the kids about you visting your parents. Neteyam hugged you tightly. "We love you mom, like a lot a lot." He spoke up nuzzling into you. "I love you all aswell." You spoke resting your head on his. The rest of the kids hugged you as well, along with Jake.

"My father said that him and my mom were proud of me, and that I'm married to the mighty Toruk Makto, he said that you're an amazing and strong warrior, Ma'Jake." You announced to your family. Jake smiled at your words. "I'm glad that they like me." Jake spoke gracefully. He really was thankful for your parents appreciating him. The kids all smiled and laughed happily at your words.

"They also said that Neytiri, your mother, was a strong warrior as well and that she's grateful that I treat you as my own. We'll always cherish the memory of your mother, may she rest peacefully beside Eywa." You spoke to the kids. Kiri's eyes softened, she leaped into your arms, along with Neteyam, Loak and Tuk. "Mother and Eywa brought you to us, we love you mom." Kiri spoke as she shed happy tears. "Yeah mom, we love you so much, always and forever." Loak added.

Jake's expression softened, as he caressed your head gently. After your sweet moment with your family, you began to cook dinner, Jake invited Tonowari and Ronal over, along with Tsireya and Aonung. Niraya was taking a nap, she woke up a few minutes later. Niraya babbled, moving around in her crib, Aonung got up and lifted her into his arms. "Look who's awake from her nap." He cooed at his niece tickling her tummy softly. Niraya gurgled and giggled at her uncle. Her hair has grown a lot.

Everyone smiled at Niraya's innocence. She was just the cutest baby ever. She's 4 months old already. The Tulkun's were still here, they were going to leave in a few days, so you decided to visit Ni'alu and her baby. Ni'alu wailed happily as she swam with Zanya by her side. Her eyes widened with excitement upon seeing you. "Sister, I see you. I communicated with my parents at the spirit tree." You signed to her as you swam towards her. "I see you sister, that's great, your parents must be so proud of you, you're brave and you have a strong heart sister." Ni'alu replied in a high pitched wail, flapping her fins. You smiled widely, doing a flip with her, Zanya howled happily at you and her mother.


Chapter 15 is completed!!! I actually cried when writing the part where Lei'wa communicated with her parents 🥹💕

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