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I slowly opened my eyes, staring off into space as I waited for my eyes to get adjusted to the suns rays shining in my room. I didn't remember mostly anything yesterday, just that something big happened. I rolled onto it side and felt something crack in my pocket.. Right.. Those. I pulled out a cracked pill, almost perfectly in half. I wanted to cry just looking at them, but instead my mind came up with the idea to take one of the halves. I shook my head and sat up, putting my hands on my face.

I felt stupid for even having that thought after what happened, but another thought appeared. What if it just because you took too much? I looked back at the pill and kept fighting the thoughts to take it, but my body made the choice for me. I shoved a piece of the pill in my mouth, despite my brain telling me not to. I sat there, thinking about what I did, my mouth twitching into a smile. I looked down at my blood stained pants, not even realizing I didn't change them after what I did yesterday. I pulled the rest of the pills out of my pocket, putting them on my nightstand.

I got up and changed my clothes, shoving my bloody ones under my bed. I grabbed the pills and put them inside of one of my nightstands drawers, hiding them under some of the objects inside. I didn't even feel like getting ready, so I walked down the stairs, nervous seeing everyone there. I felt my lips twitch into a smile again, but I had a bit more control over it. I kept my smile small and tried to get over my worry, hoping I'd just suddenly forget all about it.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I flinched and looked to my side, tensing up. Test Tube jolted in place at my sudden reaction, putting her hands up a little bit, slightly above her chest. "Woah- Uh, Lightbulb? You alright?" She dropped her hands to her sides and tilted her head a little bit. I cleared my throat and relaxed a little, facing her. "I'm.. Yeah. What's up?" She hesitated, trying to think about her response.

"Okay, um, I wanna say this in a way that doesn't make you nervous because I'm not good at putting things gently.. Tissues and Cheesy are kind of going around asking if anyone's seen Trophy because he was basically gone most of yesterday. I just wanted to help ask if people have seen him or not, so that's kinda what's up. Do you have any idea where he could be? Have you seen him at all?" I went quiet, nervous. I wanted to tell her so bad and hurt to lie again, and again, and again. I shook my head side to side, shrugging.

"Nope!.. Do you guys.. Think he might be missing?" I mumbled, praying the answer was no. "Oh, no, it hasn't really come to that yet! But, Cheesy tried calling him and he didn't pick up, so I think it might be an option. He'll probably turn up eventually! Who knows?" I certainly do.. "Yeahhh.. Uh, alright. Tell Cheesy and Tissues I hope they find him!..OKBYEE-" I tried to run off so I didn't break down in the middle of the conversation, but Test Tube yelled out for me. "Wait, Lightbulb! I need to ask you one more thing!" I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around, shakily whispering. "Yesss..??"

She walked back up to me, her expression lightening. "Did the pills work?" I slowly nodded, my eyes looking off to the side. "Um.. Yup, they worked.. But, they kinda forced a smile on my face and I lost that high of adrenaline n' whatever's after a few minutes." She nodded in understanding. "Like you smiled and felt good for a bit, but the smile remained after you didn't feel that happy anymore?" I nodded, giving her a thumbs up.

"Ah, alright. I'm glad nothing bad happened to you, though!" She smiled, giving me a hug. It felt sudden and out of nowhere, but I hugged her back. After a moment, she slipped out of the hug, adjusting her glasses. "Well, uh, just tell Tissues or Cheesy if you see Trophy anywhere! I'll see you later, I suppose." She'd walk away to someone else to spread the news of Trophy's disappearance.

I sighed in relief as she left, but my paranoia was still there. The cops might be called, maybe look for his body and somehow I'd be found out. I tried to shake off the piling thoughts of guilt and regret as I walked to the kitchen. It's probably the last place I should be with these thoughts, but some food oughta get my mind off of it.


I would be sitting down on my bed, listening to music and reading, just trying to relax, but got interrupted by a sudden knock on my window. I looked to the side, seeing a rock hit my window with another knock. I slowly got off of my bed until the window shattered, this time a rock went through the window. I noticed a note tied on the rock. I slowly walked over to the rock, picking it up. Untying the note from the rock, I noticed that there was no name on the paper anywhere from the sender, but I had an idea of who it was from. It was written simply, and was straight to the point.

"Mic, please come to the forest tonight. I have information about Trophy" Trophy?

I stared at the note for a moment, wondering if it was just a trick so she could lure me back and manipulate me. I crumbled the paper into a ball and shoved it into my pocket, groaning as I realized that the window was actually broken and it'd probably take a while to fix. I sighed and walked out of my room to tell OJ about the window.


The whole day I was paranoid, occasionally glancing at Cheesy whenever he was near.. But Microphone also caught my eye. She looked concerned and lost in her thoughts. It felt like she knew something

Later at night, I was sitting down on the couch. I didn't want to watch anything, or go to my room to go to sleep. I didn't want to be in the same room with Test Tube, or anyone I lied to really. I just sat there, alone, the memory of Trophys struggle, the sound of the pan hitting his head over and over again, how his brain was a little exposed when it was all over. It hurt to think about, but it kept replaying over and over again. I gripped my hair, closing my eyes, trying to make what felt like mental torture stop, but it didn't. I only snapped out of it when I heard someone going down the stairs.

I stared at them, waiting to see who'd be coming down at this hour. Microphone. We didn't say anything, only make eye contact. She opened her mouth to say something, but shut herself down and walked away, going outside. I got nervous. Where's she going? Would she find Trophy? Those were now the only thoughts swirling through my head at this point. I didn't know what to do, but following her felt right.. But if she caught me, she'd know I was going to do something bad.

Then, I got an idea.

(A/N: OH MY GOODNETH!!! 🤓👆👆👆 yalls im oh my golly 1300 words!! goshlly I have nothing prepared uhhmmm SO!!!! how'd you guys feel about fan proposing to test tube in the live??? 😁 anyways 🔫)

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