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Requested by @rebel784


The sun was blazing overhead as the Spy Racers made their way towards their cars. They had just finished a mission in Big Bend National Park in Texas and were about to drive back to L.A. Layla lagged behind as she looked across the landscape, one thing on her mind. Should I go see them?

While Tony was getting his car ready to go, he noticed Layla and her distant look. He debated whether he should go ask her what was up or not. Finally deciding to ask her, he slowly walked up and joined her on a little hill. The rest of the Spy Racers were already taking off while Tony and Layla stared off into the distance.

It was quiet between them for a while. Tony didn't know what was on her mind, so he opted to just wait until she either decided to tell him or she was ready to go.

"Toretto," Layla started, breaking the peaceful silence between the two. "You know my family lives in Texas, right?"

"Yes, but I wasn't going to ask you about it. I know how you feel about that topic." Tony said as he sighed and looked at his skin, noticing the hint of a tan. "What's wrong?"

"I'm wondering if I should go see them now that I'm here. But... I'm slightly worried to." Layla admitted as she bit her lip. Tony glanced at her, taking note of how beautiful she was before wiping the thought from his brain. He didn't need to think about how he felt for Layla at the moment. Not now.

Layla had told him about her family and how she ran how when she was thirteen after her mother died. It was a subject never to be brought up again, but now that they were in Texas and actually close to the town they lived in, she was thinking about the subject.

"Layla," Tony said as he put his hand on her shoulder. She looked towards him before glancing at his hand. "It is completely up to you if you want to go see them. Maybe it is time to talk to them again after all these years."

Layla slowly nodded as she looked back towards the landscape. "Yeah... you're right." She hesitated before looking at Tony again. "Toretto... do you mind coming with me? Please?"

Tony was slightly surprised. He wasn't expecting her to ask him to stick around. He was going to offer to stay if she wanted him to or he could go back to L.A. It was completely up to her, but she apparently already decided. "If you want me to come with you, I will." He said slowly, getting a smile from her that made his heart flutter.

"Thank you, Toretto. It's just... hard to face them again after all this time." Layla muttered with a sad look. Tony sighed and moved his hand from her shoulder to her back. Without Tony noticing, Layla blushed at the gesture.

"Look, this is better than leaving this unsettled." Tony said in a comforting tone. Layla smiled at him again before she sighed.

"There's this nice hotel in their town. We can go crash there for the night."

"Sure." Tony smiled warmly at her before they both got into their cars. Tony followed Layla the entire way to Del Rio, a city next to the Mexico border. It was a three-and-a-half-hour drive from Big Bend, but they didn't care that much.

It was dark when they got to the hotel in the city. Layla's parents lived on a ranch outside the city in Lake View, a tiny town that didn't have much in it except a lake. They had moved there a few years after Layla left them. They used to live in Ballinger, where they had a huge cattle ranch. The ranch in Lake View was large, but not as big as the one in Ballinger.

"Sorry, but we don't have any rooms with two beds. Can we offer the two of you a suite with a queen-size bed?" The receptionist asked after going through her computer.

Spy Racers: Tayla One-Shots (Collection 1)Where stories live. Discover now