Chapter 3

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"Put out the fire immediately!"

"Enemy aircraft everywhere!"

"Siren attack?!"

"No, it's a Japanese fighter!"

Cleveland skimmed the harbor of Pearl Harbor with her rigging out, she focused on shooting down as many enemy fighters as possible, but they seemed endless.

Not only Cleveland, the majority of the Union Eagle Shipgirls and some from the Royal Navy had successfully taken out their rigging and created enough air defense walls to make it difficult for the Japanese planes to reach their targets.

"Cleveland! Can I ask you a favor?" Asked Nevada, a beautiful white-haired woman with a mature body. She was the Battleship of the Nevada class and the leader of her class.

"What is it, Nevada?!" Asked Cleveland while shooting at one of the enemy fighters which was a Dive Bomber.

"You're the one who's good with cars, please hurry to Schofield Barracks and tell General Maxwell to mobilize the Army!" Nevada said.

"Why does the Army have to be mobilized?!" Cleveland asked confused.

"Cleveland, it's obvious, the Japanese declaring war at us, it's obvious they're going to try to take over Hawaii because it's one of our only territory in the Pacific besides the Philippines!" Nevada retorted while dodging a shot from one of the Zeros.

Cleveland was immediately slapped with the reality, she rushed to the harbor and jumped straight up, at the same time her rigging disappeared and returned to the form of a light cruiser. Cleveland assigned her ship to shoot down as many enemies as possible while she was gone.

Cleveland then ran among the panicked Sailors and Marines, she tried to find an unused Jeep but to no avail. Cleveland didn't give up and kept looking until she finally came across a Jeep with several Marines inside.

"Hey! Can I get a ride?!" Cleveland asked them.

"Miss Cleveland! Where are you going?" The voice startled Cleveland, it was Second Lieutenant Walker, the Marine pilot who asked her out.

"W-Walker?!" Cleveland's face flushed slightly before finally turning serious.

"Walker! Can you take me to Schofield Barracks? It's an emergency." Cleveland said.

"Understood, Cleve! Hurry up!" Cleveland went up and sat next to one of the Marines holding two Thompson machine guns, the Marine immediately gave Cleveland one.

"Miss Cleveland, please use this, we don't want our eardrums to be damaged by the sound of your weapon." Said the young Marine.

Cleveland laughed at that and accepted the Thompson from the young Marine. "Thank you!"

"Hold on!" Walker, the driver, drove straight to Schofield Barracks, passing several ambulances and Marine armored vehicles that were trying to evacuate the casualties.

"Zero ahead!" Shouted one of the Marines.

They all immediately ducked as a machine gun barrage from a Japanese fighter plane made a flyby. Cleveland straightened up as soon as the Zero passed by and opened fire with her Thompson, no significant damage but at least the average bullet fired hit the target.

A few minutes of the tense ride passed and Cleveland suddenly felt quite a pain in her stomach. The Marine who had given her the Thompson looked worried. "Miss Cleveland are you alright?"

"Did you take a hit, Cleve?" Walker looked back with concern.

"S-Something hit my hull, looks like a torpedo." Said a pale Cleveland.

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