So, I'll get straight to the point.
I'm just about to reveal the lower side of my face, so don't ask why you can't see my eyes or my nose 😭
Just like the title says, it's what it is. Now scroll down and bless your eyes (in a good way or bad, it's for you to decide 💕)
Yeah, yeah. It might not be what you hoped for 😃MaYbE I exaggerated. But what can I say? I'm QUITE a bit of a narcissist *shrugs*
What's the worst one can say? I think I'm gorgeous in my own way and if someone says otherwise, they're jealous or just annoying~ ❤️
Anyways, why can't I not have this confidence for real?! 😤
Whatever whatever, that's all.
I love you! *kiss*
IRA 🌈💜